
UCL Research Domains


EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellowships - Internal Process

Internal deadline: 17th October 2017 (12pm)

EPSRC has announced a call for EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellowship proposals. Up to £38.9 million is available, and EPSRC expects to fund 65-85 Fellows. We expect that UCL will able to submit around 7 proposals, so the BEAMS Research Facilitation team are running an internal process to select those applicants which UCL will put forward to the EPSRC outline proposal stage. Internal proposals will be reviewed and prioritised by a panel of senior academics using the assessment criteria for the EPSRC outline stage (see page 13 in the call document available on the EPSRC website). The EPSRC deadline for outline proposals is 9th November 2017.

The Fellowships are aimed at innovative individuals in the early stages of their research career, whose research can help to achieve the aims of the Industrial Strategy. The aim of these three-year personal awards is to provide the recipients with the necessary support to establish themselves as the leaders of the future. Industrial engagement is a key feature of these Fellowships, and applicants should have a research vision based on a creative and innovative idea, with a high degree of novelty. Proposals must align to one or more of the priority areas detailed in the call document (see page 4 and Annex 2).

Full details of the EPSRC call are in the call document - please read this carefully before making an internal submission. If you would like to be considered for one of the UCL submissions to EPSRC, please send an internal proposal to the BEAMS research facilitators (ovpr.beams@ucl.ac.uk) by 12pm on Tuesday 17th October. Internal proposals should consist of the following:

  • Case for Support (up to two sides of A4) containing:

    • Your name and proposed host department.
    • Title of proposal.
    • A brief explanation of the proposed research and how it aligns with one or more of the identified priority areas.
    • A brief explanation of why you feel the Innovation Fellowship is appropriate for you.
    • How you have or will develop links with industry.
    • The amount of funding that you would request and a brief description of the resources this would be used for.
  • CV (up to two sides of A4) - see page 10 of the call document for details of what to include.

Internal proposals must be supported by the host department - please ensure that you have approval to apply from your Head of Department, and copy them into your submission email.

Please contact Laura Fenner (l.fenner@ucl.ac.uk) with any questions.

Kind regards,

BEAMS research facilitators