
Research and Innovation Services


Innovation training

29 January 2025, 11:00 am–12:00 pm

This training session is designed to raise awareness of the innovation support route within Research and Innovation Services (RIS).

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff




Anna Mkhitaryan

This session will help you:

  • Gain an understanding of the main activities within the scope of RIS support and routes to support from other UCL teams
  • Provide case studies showing the differences between projects classed as sponsored research, innovation, and other project types that are supported elsewhere in UCL
  • Give you an understanding of the system, processes, and policies associated with the Innovation Service
  • Highlight the support available to staff and who to contact for guidance, advice, or escalations. 

If you have any queries about your innovation project reach out to your departmental RIS contact.

Who should attend?

All staff involved in creating, supporting, and approving research and innovation projects at UCL.

Joining instructions

Add this online training session to your calendar by downloading the invite (.ics file) from the link below. Then, open the file in Outlook to add the session details. The calendar invite includes the MS Teams link for the training session.

Register your place