We are introducing a new research ethics IT system to enable the efficient and effective management of research ethics applications and approvals. Find out more about our plans.
We are introducing a robust, sector-leading system that meets the standards expected of a leading global university. This will improve the research lifecycle through an improved user experience for our staff and students.
Latest updates
October 2024
We are thrilled to have launched ethics@ucl on 21 October after final user and accessibility testing and passing our Baseline Service Health Review. We have been working to deliver training to Ethics Committee members, and creating a range of 'how-to' video guides for users, which are available on our Using ethics@ucl page.
Previous updates
- October 2024
10 October
We are excited to be approaching our launch date planned for 21 October. There has been a crescendo of activity as we complete the final user testing of ethics@ucl and accessibility testing, we have been delighted with the positive feedback. We have also valued the insightful comments and suggestions from our testers.
We are completing some key tasks required to launch the new system including our Baseline Service Health Review, a new panel that conducts a technical review of the system before go-live and our post-go-live support model. A diligent effort has been made ahead of our Change Advisory Board, a critical approval step before we go live with the system. We have started to deliver training to Local Research Ethics Committees and are preparing other training resources for launch week.
- September 2024
This month we are continuing testing and making updates based on feedback. We are preparing for final user acceptance testing at the end of the month, and designing and developing the training and support activities, materials and webpages, which will include:
- Tailored interactive training webinars for Phase 1 LRECs and the Central Life and Medical Sciences Research Ethics Committee (LMS REC) and Humanities Arts and Sciences Research Ethics Committee (HAS REC)
- Bitesize training videos: Short training videos demonstrating key features of the system
- Written guidance: Guides for applicants, reviewers and administrators.
- August 2024
Progress was maintained throughout the summer as we successfully completed a fortnight of end-to-end testing of the ethics@ucl system. Testing involved colleagues from departments (part of our 1st phase roll-out) completing both ‘applicant’ and ‘reviewer’ scenarios. Feedback from the testing proved valuable and has given us a few updates to action. It has been encouraging that the testers found the system intuitive and the appropriate level of information is provided to help users navigate through the system. Next month we expect to be in a good position to complete final user acceptance testing ahead of roll-out in October.
- July 2024
A major focus was on the technical build of ethics@ucl with Infonetica and the continued development of the application form. We sought user experience (UX) analysis with the UCL Digital Experience Team. Achieving single-sign-on (SSO) was an important win for the UX design. Preparations for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) began before system testing in August. Training asset development began in earnest, which will include self-serve materials for applicants and more hands-on training for reviewers/administrators. We also held meetings with our Phase 1 LRECs.
- June 2024
The online ethics system, ethics@ucl, will use the URL ethics.ucl.ac.uk to ensure the system is easy to find and access. The project team presented to the Directors of Operations during a Faculty drop-in on Friday 14 June, where we discussed the existing approval process involving Heads of Departments and how this can be made more efficient. We held our monthly meeting with the Change Advisory Group (user representatives) on 12 June, receiving positive feedback on our demonstration of the question set which enables users to ‘flow’ through the system. Additionally, we sought advice on our training approach and provided a brief on how the testing of the system before launch would work.
- May 2024
Infonetica has been selected to develop UCL’s new online research ethics system, ethics@ucl. Supporting world-class research for over 20 years, Infonetica has previously worked with several Russell Group universities, including King’s College London, University of Edinburgh, and University of Bristol. Implementation of the system will occur in a phased approach throughout 2024, with an initial rollout by the start of the academic year 2024/25.
We also confirmed a phased roll out plan:
- Phase 1: Term 1, October 2024
- Phase 2: Term 2, January 2025
- Phase 3: Term 1, September 2025
Phase 1 will include all high-risk ethics applications and low-risk applications submitted centrally to the Research Ethics Service. In addition, Local Research Ethics Committees (LRECs) participating in the first phase of the implementation are:
- Division of Psychology and Language Sciences (PaLs). Brain Sciences
- Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), Engineering
- School of Management, Engineering
- Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR), Maths and Physical Sciences
- Sustainable Construction (BSSC), The Bartlett
What are the benefits of a new system?
- Application tracking
- An improved user experience
- Automation, reduced administration and turnaround times
- Document management and enhanced management information
- Enhanced support for departments and faculties
- Enhanced protection for researchers and participants
- A sector-leading system and processes.
What is the process for implementation?
The Research Ethics Product Team is taking an agile project delivery approach to this change initiative. A Change Advisory Group consisting of key stakeholders across the university advises the Product Team on the implementation of ethics@ucl. The system is being rolled out progressively across UCL following testing with key user groups. Updates on system development, testing and launch will be shared periodically to keep UCL’s research community updated.
Key milestones
- Selecting a supplier [COMPLETED]
In consultation with UCL’s research community selecting a system supplier and agreeing the contract. - System development [COMPLETED]
Developing the new research ethics system ready for implementation. - Essential training [COMPLETED]
Training users and ensuring colleagues are prepared for the transition to the new system. - Initial launch [COMPLETED]
ethics@ucl rolled out for all central applications and Phase 1 LRECs. - Full roll out [IN PROGRESS]
Full transition and adoption of ethics@ucl. Decommissioning of Research Ethics Database.
What support and training will be available?
We are developing a comprehensive package of guidance and training videos for everyone involved in the research ethics process at UCL. The system will enable support and guidance for each question and further resources will be made available in the Guidance, training and resources section of our website.