Find information on eligibility of expenditure and posting costs to relevant financial systems for studentships.
Key information
When an individual or Centre is charging costs on the UCL financial system (MyFinance) for anything other than Student stipend (D-STU); student Fee (D-FEE) or staff salary (S-ACA; S-CLE; S-TEC; S-AR) care should be taken to ensure that the costs reflect back to the original proposal.
Typically the other costs will be in the following categories for studentship direct costs:
- Travel (location)
- Placement (Internships)
- Training visit to a specific company
- External modules (location)
- Cleanroom training
- Winter School
- Off-site advanced training
- Residential week (location)
- Cohort building (Year)
- Training consumables
- Lab demonstrator
- Innovation Training
- Science Festival (location)
- Seminar (location).
Important: the student name should also be included immediately after the above descriptor.
The above are not exhaustive but should be used as an example for the Descriptor in recovering costs. It is important that you review the terms used in the proposal and ensure that costs reflect the agreed costs by the funder. Student intended travel should be included in the UKRI Je-S student Data Portal abstract and student log when completed.
Other Centre costs typically charged should have the following descriptors:
- Publicity
- Marketing
- Web development and maintenance
- Travel & Subsistence - centre staff, centre guests
- Career development (5%) Grade 7 spine point 32
- Entrepreneurship training
- Seminar series (£6k per year)
- Responsible Innovation (5x £1.2k per year)
- Responsible Innovation development
- Cumberland Lodge (per year)
- External master classes
- Laptops for centre staff
- Dissemination/Workshops/PuS.
Your descriptors in the proposal may have been different to those reflected – the important thing is that you use those used in your bid – when reviewed or audited by the funder you will then not have any issues.