History, Policy and Practice
Edited by Burroughs-Lange and Ince (2013)
In the first book written about Reading Recovery in the UK and Ireland, the voices and experiences of those involved from many contexts are heard in the history and debate told here. The educational and economic arguments for effective early intervention are evidenced. Employing change theory, it shows how a successful small-scale project, that began in England in 1990, was scaled up rapidly without loss of effectiveness. For those interested or involved in early literacy and the prevention of literacy failure; who have heard about Reading Recovery and/or Every Child a Reader but are not familiar with its operation, or are involved in managing large-scale school improvement, this book elucidates policy and practice that ensure success.
The book is available to order directly from https://www.ucl-ioe-press.com or from all good bookshops including online retailers. ISBN: 978-0-85473-996-7.