
Reading Recovery Europe


National Conference 2018

RR national conference April 2018

Date: 20 April 2018
Time: 9.00 registrations and refreshments
10.00 start
16.30 close & wine reception
Venue: Jeffery Hall, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

How to get to IOE

Effective Teaching: creating meaningful environments to build language and literacy


  • Empowering Choice for Writers:  Debra Myhill, Professor of Education, Director of the Centre for Research in Writing, University of Exeter
  •  Is my teacher a reader - a writer? Exploring the potential of teaching from the perspective of a reader/writer:  Teresa Cremin, Professor of Education (Literacy) at The Open University, UK

Feature sessions by leading experts in the field of literacy learning and literacy difficultiesExhibitions from publishers of children's books and material for literacy teaching professionals

Conference programme

Registration and seminar choice form

Conference registration fee:

£120 standard fee

£60 for UCL students and staff

Conference flyer