The Long Term Effects of Reading Recovery
09 June 2022, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm

In this RRE Seminar Professor Jane Hurry (UCL IOE) will present findings from ‘Reading intervention at age 6: Long term effects of Reading Recovery in the UK on qualifications and support at age 16’ (Hurry, Fridkin and Holliman, 2022).
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Free
Teresa Kourdoulos
Event Recording
The aim of the RRE seminar series is to provide a forum to discuss key issues in literacy teaching and learning and to connect research to practice.
In this RRE Seminar Professor Jane Hurry (UCL IOE) will present findings from ‘Reading intervention at age 6: Long term effects of Reading Recovery in the UK on qualifications and support at age 16’ (Hurry, Fridkin and Holliman, 2022).
Amanda McGarrigle (Headteacher of St Marys CE Primary School in Swanley) will share her experience about implanting and supporting literacy intervention in her school.
The seminar concludes with discussion from Jean Gross CBE, education expert and author of ‘Reaching the Unseen Children’ on what needs to be done to support children with literacy difficulties.
Dr Sue Bodman will chair this session.
- Professor Jane Hurry, IOE-Psychology and Human Development;
- Amanda McGarrigle, Headteacher of St Marys CE Primary School in Swanley;
- Jean Gross CBE, education expert and author;
- Dr Sue Bodman, Reading Recovery National Leader.
Related links:
- Reading intervention at age 6: Long-term effects of Reading Recovery in the UK on qualifications and support at age 16;
- Reading Recovery Europe.
Philip Meech for Reading Recovery Europe.