International Quantum Tensor Network Inaugural Meeting
16 May 2022
Register for the inaugural meeting of the International Quantum Tensor Network.
Registration is now open for the inaugural meeting of the International Quantum Tensor Network on 27th-29th June in London.
The International Quantum Tensor Network is funded by the UK’s engineering and physical sciences research council (EPSRC) and aims to organise a series of international conferences, workshops and research visits to foster the use of tensor network ideas in quantum software.
Registration for the meeting is free and the network will cover accommodation for the nights of 27th and 28th June. Travel support is available for those who require it.
Register for the inaugral meeting.
The International Quantum Tensor Network is lead by: Andrew Daley, Andrew Green, Brendon Lovett, Dieter Jaksch and Zlatko Papic.
Project Partners include: Mari Carmen Banuls, Bela Bauer, Natalia Chepiga, Soonwon Choi, Michael Foss-Feig, Corinna Kollath, Frank Pollmann, Andrew C Potter, Miles Stoudenmire, Norbert Schuch, Frank Verstraete, Giufre Vidal.