18 December 2013

9.30 | Registration |
10.00 | Welcome |
10.15 |
Keynote address: Professor Carla Willig, City University, London What is shared and what is not? Tensions between idiographic aspiration and a commitment to researching 'shared experience' |
11.15 | Coffee break |
11.35 |
Dimensions of cancer fear in the screening context: a qualitative meta-synthesis Charlotte Vrinten, Health Behaviour Research Centre, UCL |
12.00 |
Developing an intervention to manage and reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in people with severe mental illness: A focus group study Alexandra Burton, UCL Mental Health Sciences Unit |
12.25 |
Being a non-drinking student: an interpretative phenomenological analysis Dominic Conroy, School of Psychology, University of Sussex |
12.50 | Lunch break |
1.50 |
Practising interdisciplinarity: the auto-ethnographic account of an operational researcher and social scientist collaboration Dr Sonya Crowe, Dr Simon Turner, Department of Applied Health Research/CORU, UCL |
2.15 |
A guide to interviewing: using Wengraf's Biographical Narrative Interpretative Method (BNIM) Dr Lesley McGregor, Health Behaviour Research Centre, UCL |
2.40 |
Interviewing about a taboo within a stigma Nathan Davies, Research Department of Primary Care & Population Health, UCL |
3.05 | Coffee break |
3.25 |
Managing large qualitative datasets as part of a mixed-methods study: Experiences from the MDT Study Dr Penny Xanthopoulou, Isla Wallace, Caoimhe Nic a' Bháird, Department of Applied Health Research, UCL |
3.50 |
Whose stigma is greatest?: using a model of stigma to compare people's experiences of mental illness stigma Dr Georgia Black, Department of Applied Health Research, UCL |
4.15 |
The opportunities and challenges presented by online focus groups Elizabeth Pottinger, Cancer Research UK and associate member of Health Behaviour Research Centre |
4.40 | Final thoughts |