
Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit


Dr Matt Wall

Matt Wall

E-mail address:  mbwall@gmail.com

Research Interests:

My research interests are broad, but focused around the use of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) applications and methods, with a slant towards clinical studies and psychopharmacology. Recent and ongoing projects include work on Parkinson's disease, breathing physiology, sex hormones, chronic pain, the brain effects of Cannabis (in collaboration with the CPU), and work combining fMRI with electronic cigarettes to study the neural substrates of smoking.

Recent Grants:

Named collaborator on a £1.3 million MRC grant awarded to Dr Tony Goldstone (Imperial College London) for a major study of the role of gut hormones in addiction.


Close links with the CPU (Val Curran, Tom Freeman, Rebecca Pope)

Several collaborative projects with David Nutt and Robin Carhart-Harris (Imperial College London)

Chronic Pain projects with Dr Julius Bourke (Queen Mary, University of London)

Breathing/pain projects with Professor Richard Wise (Cardiff University)

Neuroendocrine projects with Professor Waljit Dhillo and Dr Tony Goldstone (Imperial College London)

Parkinson's work with Professor Paola Piccini (Imperial College London)

Past collaborations with various members of staff at Royal Holloway, University of London

Current collaborations with various companies in the pharmaceutical industry, via Imanova Ltd.

Publications on GoogleScholar