David Taylor is a Training & Supervising analyst of the British
Psychoanalytical Society (BPAS). Throughout his career his central work
has been that of a practicing psychoanalyst seeing five times weekly
cases. As well as his Visiting Professorship at UCL, where he organises
the annual psychoanalysis conference each December, he is an Honorary
Consultant Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist at the Tavistock &
Portman NHS Trust where he held several roles including that of medical
director, head of adult services and clinical director of the Tavistock
Adult Depression Study (TADS) for which he was responsible from its
inception onwards. He wrote the manual for the psychoanalytic
psychotherapy tested in TADS; also used in the German LAC trial. He is a
trustee of the Melanie Klein Trust. His other current roles include
chair of the IPA's Clinical Research Committee and Member of the Board
& Council of the BPAS with special responsibility for research and
academic links. He supervises in Heidelberg, Vienna and Washington and
has lectured and taught widely. His more recent papers include
discussions of the value of the later works of Bion and the relationship
between clinical and empirical forms of enquiry. As well as ongoing
studies of depression, his current writing includes studies of the
relationship between real and ideal objects and the nature of anxiety
Contact Details:
Email: dr@dtayloremail.net