
Psychoanalysis Unit


Contagion, Containment and Staying Connected

27 November 2020–29 November 2020, 3:00 pm–3:00 pm



Event Information

Open to



UCL Psychoanalysis Unit


Virtual conference
UCL Bloomsbury


This November, we will not be able to gather in our usual way in London. 

In previous years, our Annual Conferences have allowed us to come together in person to think in depth about central clinical issues.  We want to find ways of continuing to work together. In the light of the unprecedented challenges of recent events, it feels vital to develop a psychoanalytic understanding of our reactions to the Covid-19 pandemic, including its impact on our capacity to work and to love. It could be for eventual good, not only for ill.  

Therefore, we have planned an online meeting. Read more about the themes of our virtual conference on psychoanalysis and the pandemic in a short piece by Liz AllisonSpeakers and chairs will include Fakhry Davids, Peter Fonagy, Francesca Hume, Jane Milton, Rosine Perelberg, David Taylor, Rudi Vermote, Howard B. Levine and Beverly J. Stoute. David Tuckett will be in conversation with Mervyn King. There will be parallel paper sessions on the Saturday and clinical seminars on the Friday afternoon.

Recordings of sessions can be provided to registered participants on request. To safeguard confidentiality, this will be for a limited time, and requiring the presenter’s permission.


Conference Registration

Conference Programme

Parallel Paper Panel Abstracts Time Zone Conversion Tool


Keynote Speakers 


Francesca Hume | British Psychoanalytical Society, UK 

‘Shielding’ in a Garden of Eden: a psychic retreat in lockdown

Jane Milton | British Psychoanalytical Society, UK 

Love, Persecution and Reparation during the Pandemic

Rosine Jozef Perelberg | British Psychoanalytical Society, UK 

The Empty Couch: Love and Mourning in Times of Confinement

Caroline Polmear | British Psychoanalytical Society, UK*

Where is the dog in the room?

Fakhry Davids | British Psychoanalytical Society, UK

Obstacles to Diversity

David Tuckett | British Psychoanalytical Society, University College London, UK, in conversation with Mervyn King | New York University and Former Governor of the Bank of England 

What’s going on?

Rudi Vermote | Belgian Psychoanalytical Society, Belgium 

A Covid state of mind

Howard B. Levine | Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, USA

Fragmentation and containment: Setting and surround

Beverly J. Stoute, M.D. | Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, Training and Supervising Analyst of the Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute, a Child and Adolescent Supervising Analyst at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, Fellow (Training and Analyst) Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research  (IPTAR), and President of the Atlanta Psychoanalytic Society

Formulating Black Rage during the pandemic: Surviving the latent and manifest destructiveness in enduring Otherness

*Caroline Polmear has had to withdraw from active participation in the conference due to illness, but we are delighted that she has graciously agreed to allow the paper she had already prepared to be read on her behalf by Liz Allison and discussed by Julia Fabricius.


Friday Clinical Seminar Presenters

Clinical seminar leaders will include:

Irma Brenman Pick, Donald Campbell, Peter Fonagy, Francesca Hume, Jane Milton, Rosine Jozef Perelberg, Vic Sedlak, David Taylor, David Tuckett and Rudi Vermote.