
Psychoanalysis Unit


Attachment and the Arts Conference

06 October 2017, 10:00 am–4:30 pm

Event Information

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Regent's University London, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4NS

The British Association of Art Therapists Conference


Being close to others and having trusting relationships is at the heart of being human. The breaking of these affectional bonds can have cruel and catastrophic effects on any of us. The BAAT 'Attachment and the Arts' conferences have aimed to explore art therapy through the lens of attachment theory. The questions are: 'What is the value of art in building close, trusting relationships?'; 'What are the implications for art therapy practice and research?'.

In this conference (the seventh in the series), we are delighted to welcome as our keynote speaker Professor Colwyn Trevarthen. His presentation 'Healing Emotional Life Stories with Visual Art' explores how visual art presents traces of intentional movements, generally ones made by hand. Human hands have evolved new functions for both intricate and productive carrying and manipulation of objects, and for gesture - the communication of direction of interest and affective appraisal in a shared world where events and objects are given either special emotional importance, or arbitrary meaning for use. Professor Trevarthen will review how advances in the psychology of aesthetic properties of infant intentions and of the affective or moral regulation of their communications have supported acceptance and development of dynamic, relational, non-verbal therapies for emotional disorders.

We are also delighted to welcome Dr Sandra Bucci, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology who will present a study on 'Client and Therapist Attachment Styles and Working Alliance'. Working alliance has been shown to be important in influencing the outcome of therapy. Research has typically focused on client's attachment style and its impact on factors such as outcome and therapeutic alliance. However, evidence suggests that characteristics of both clients and therapists impact on the development of working alliance.


Presenters include:

Mary Rose Brady - When less is more: Using an attachment-based model in a brief art therapy intervention with complex trauma

Alex McDonald - On the same page: Shared understanding in primary-school-based art therapy

Ioanna Xenophontes, Nicci Mills and Dr Neil Springham - Queens of the stick people: Epistemic trust, genuineness and artistic style in art therapy

Dr Hayley Berman - Providing an atmosphere of extraordinary safety to promote secure attachment: Case study on Lefika la Phodiso

Further Information

For details and to book online please visit: http://www.baat.org/Courses-Conferences/Conferences