From The Margins To The Centre
25 May 2017–28 May 2017, 12:00 am–12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
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Exact venue TBC, Sydney, Australia
The Australian and New Zealand Chapters of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP) are pleased to advise that next year's annual conference will be held in Sydney from 25-28 May 2017. The theme of the conference is:
Progress and creativity thrive when familiar concepts and ideas are seen from new angles. Those who live, work and think at the margins, at the edges, away from the centre, necessarily have perspectives that differ from those who look from the centre, or from the mainstream.
In this conference, in tribute to the fact that Australia and New Zealand are away from the centre - down-under - we would like to encourage presentations that offer new and creative ways of looking at, thinking about, and practising psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
IARPP is a truly international organization, with members across the globe. We would like to invite participants and attendees from all corners to join us in celebrating this diversity. We encourage you to start thinking about papers that you might write, based on our conference theme. If presenting does not appeal, we would like to invite you to attend our conference as a delegate, and to save the dates, just over a year from now.
The conference venue is in Sydney's city centre, with easy access to accommodation and transport. We will emphasize the collaborative and community aspects of our profession by including a strong programme of social and interactional events, and will offer suggestions for those wishing to combine conference attendance with travel within Australia and New Zealand. While preparations for the conference are already underway, formal planning and the call for papers will commence in the second half of 2016. In the meantime, please:
Chairs: Cathy Hicks, PhD (Australia); Sarah Calvert, PhD (New Zealand)
International Steering Committee: Alejandro Avila Espada PhD, Sharon Beiman PhD, Susi Federici-Nebbiosi PhD, Juan Francisco Jordan MD, Hazel Ipp PhD, Rina Lazar PhD, Gianni Nebbiosi PhD, Chana Ullman PhD.
Local Committee: Mary Bayles MSW, Lesley Brokenshire, Margie Chodos MCFT, Annette Conradi MCFT, Roberto D'Angelo PsyD MBBS, Margaret Pearl, Daud Saeed MBBS FRANZCP, Claire Virtue MSW, Dale Wiren NZRP.
Further Information
further information, please visit the conference website: