
Psychoanalysis Unit


The End of Alchemy: Money, Banking and the Future of the Global Economy? - Lord Mervyn King (Governor of the Bank of England, 2003-2013)

10 May 2016, 12:30 pm–2:30 pm

Event Information

Open to



Global Governance Institute, University College London


Mervyn King is coming to UCL on May 10th to a joint meeting of the UCL Centre for the Study of Decision-Making Uncertainty and the Institute for Global Governance to have a discussion with David Tuckett of the issues raised in his new book.

He has interesting things to say about money and economics and more generally about disequilibrium, coping with radical uncertainty, co-ordination issues and trust. The book had been very well reviewed by the likes of Henry Kissinger, Larry Summers and Alan Greenspan as well as in the FT.

Mervyn King may well have written the most important book to come out of the financial crisis. From his extraordinary perspective as a brilliant economist who made policy at the highest level, he issues a clarion call for new ideas and new policies, and then delivers. Agree or disagree, King's arguments deserve the attention of everyone from economics students to heads of state'. Lawrence H. Summers

'Drawing on years of scholarly study of banking history and his real world experience in fighting financial panic, Mervyn King has set out a new framework for monetary and financial reform. Seemingly simple in concept, it challenges prevailing banking and market practice. The End of Alchemy demands debate and a well-reasoned response'. Paul A. Volcker

'A sophisticated and highly approachable study of how modern finance has lost its way. Few individuals are more qualified than Lord Mervyn King to imagine the banking of the future. His book should be required reading'. Henry Kissinger

'Mervyn King asks, 'Why has almost every industrialised country found it difficult to overcome the stagnation that followed the financial crisis in 2007-2008, and why did money and banking, the alchemists of a market economy, turn into its Achilles heel?' He addresses these questions, and much more. For those endeavouring to understand the greatest financial crisis of our time and the future of finance, this highly provocative book is a must read'. Alan Greenspan

There will be an opportunity for discussion and questions as well as book signing.

Further Information

Details are here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/global-governance/ggi-events/mervyn-king

and on: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-end-of-alchemy-money-banking-and-the-future-of-the-global-economy-a-book-by-mervyn-king-tickets-23917148836