
Psychoanalysis Unit



First-year students are registered as MPhil students until they have qualified for an upgrading to PhD status. 

Aims of the Upgrade Process:

• Development of research skills. In writing a literature review and a pilot study/chapter, the student is displaying the development of research skills which are central to the aims of the PhD. Upgrading is one part of how the development of a student's research skills is monitored within the Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology.

• Upgrading is a clear step on the way to the final PhD thesis. Most students (at least in retrospect) appreciate having a deadline for writing their literature review and pilot study/chapter. Receiving feedback on these from the panel can be constructive and helpful. The upgrading interview also provides an opportunity for the student to discuss their plans for future research.

• Identifying problems. If students are experiencing problems with their progress and/or supervision, then these can be identified relatively early in the process and action can be taken to help. Any concerns the student may have can be discussed with the panel.

• In presenting a brief summary of their research and answering questions put by the panel, the student also gains some practice in presentation skills, particularly those required in a viva examination.

Time frame

Full-time students are expected to upgrade between 12 and 18 months from initial registration. The interviews are normally scheduled in December in Year 2.  If a student does not pass the first upgrade interview, they will be permitted to attempt a second within 6 months of the first. 

Part-time students are expected to upgrade between 20 and 30 months from initial registration (so in Year 2 or 3). If the first upgrade interview is not passed, students will be allowed a second attempt within 10 months of the first.


1.    Commitment to pursuing research at UCL to a PhD level
2.    Satisfactory progress in the work so far.
3.    Evidence that the work carried out to date is the student’s own.
4.    Ability to formulate at least one viable hypothesis or research question that can be addressed in the time    frame of a PhD.
5.    Formulation of a viable plan for the work over time.
6.    Sufficient understanding of psychoanalysis to either apply or to investigate within their PhD thesis.
7.    Satisfactory generic and specific skills development.
8.    Proficiency in spoken and written English.
9.    80 credits of accredited taught courses including the Discussion Group and Work-in-Progress Workshops and from the choice of optional courses.
10.    Completion of the Research Log to the upgrade stage.
11.  Completion of 20 Robert’s Points of transferable skills development training    



The current requirements are that at the time stipulated by the Programme Administrator, the student submits a chapter of their thesis. This should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words maximum (to include footnotes, tables and figures but excluding bibliography, appendices and supporting data) and written to the standard required for an international peer-reviewed publication. Materials that need to be submitted are:

1. An empirical OR conceptual/theoretical chapter. An empirical chapter typically presents one or more empirical studies (including results). A conceptual/theoretical chapter includes a discussion of key conceptual issues and/or a systematic literature review.

2. An outline of the PhD thesis with a time line to completion and appropriate milestones (e.g. conference presentations, papers submitted for publication, skills needed)


The upgrade interview will be conducted by the Programme Director and the student's Subsidiary Supervisor.  If there is a conflict of interest or if the Programme Director is also the student's Principal Supervisor another senior member of the university competent to assess the student's work will attend. The student will be informed in advance of the interview who will be on their upgrading panel.

The upgrading interview will comprise:
1. The student presenting their work orally usually with a powerpoint presentation for 15-20 minutes.
2. The student addressing questions from the panel about their research and future plans.
The student is then asked to leave briefly while the panel discuss their upgrading. 


Potential outcomes of the upgrade interview are:

1st Attempt
1. The student has met the criteria for the Upgrade and is recommended to upgrade to PhD status.
2. The student has NOT met the criteria for the Upgrade and will be referred to a specific date, with specific criteria to meet, for a second attempt with the need for a second viva.
3. The student has NOT met the criteria for the Upgrade and will be referred to a specific date, with specific criteria to meet, for a second attempt WITHOUT the need for a second viva.

2nd Attempt
1. The student has met the criteria for the Upgrade and is recommended to upgrade to PhD status.
2. The student has NOT met the criteria for the Upgrade and remains registered for the MPhil.
3. The student has NOT met the criteria for the Upgrade and is referred to the Faculty Graduate Tutor for initiation of a formal termination of studies on the grounds of academic insufficiency for research students.


Joint Report

The interview panel produce a joint report after the upgrade meeting. This is signed off by the panel members and the Division of Psychology Departmental Graduate Tutor, Professor. Val Curran. This report is sent to the student, their supervisors and the Head of Department.

Principal Supervisors' Report

The principal supervisor prepares and report before the interview, based on a review of the student's documents and progress to date, and including their recommendations for upgrading. The student receives a copy of this report after the interview.

If the upgrade is successful, UCL Student and Registry Services will confirm the change of status via email to both student and supervisor and will amend the student's Portico record to full PhD status. The student will receive a letter of confirmation from the Programme Director.

If the first upgrade is unsuccessful both reports will remain in the department until the second attempt. When the student submits their updated documentation, a new supervisor report will be requested and an additional joint report will be created after the second interview.