Agatha describes her experience of the MSc programme and the exciting work she has gone on to do
What drew you to the course?
I studied Fine Art at Chelsea College of Art. I came across psychoanalytic studies whilst writing my dissertation and wrote about the link between art and psychoanalysis. The more I read about psychoanalysis the more I became absolutely fascinated by it and knew that I wanted to pursue it further.
What do you feel makes the course stand out from other programmes?
It's a fantastic course and I can't recommend it enough. I have 3 degrees from 3 different universities and this programme was my absolute favourite. It stands out on many levels. UCL is brilliant. The course itself was fantastically organised. The student group for our year was very intimate and it really made a huge difference. All tutors are practicing psychoanalysts and because our group was small we could truly take advantage of being in the room with them. To this day I think of the time studying psychoanalysis at UCL as one of the most stimulating and incredible times I've ever had. It'll feed your intellect and soothe your soul.
Who do you think would benefit from the course, and what advice would you give students as they are starting?
I would recommend this course anyone who has an inquisitive mind. Whether you want to be a practicing psychoanalyst or simply engage with the theories and somehow apply them to your practice (be it psychiatry, art, business, social studies, anthropology or a writing career) this course is for you. You'll get to meet incredibly inspiring psychoanalysts who might not give you all the answers but will get you to ask even more questions. You might even want to engage with the studies on a very personal level and on top of your theoretical considerations perhaps you'd start your own psychoanalytic process (which I am a huge advocate of - I had my own analysis for nearly 10 years). This course gives you access to absolutely outstanding thinkers and it's a huge privilege to learn from them.
What have you gone on to do in the time since you finished the course?
I graduated in 2010. I continued my own psychoanalytic process and I'm a very outspoken advocate for it. Right after the course I went on to do a PgCert in Photography at Central Saint Martins. I worked as an editor for a magazine and have been working as a photographer on film sets since 2010. Recently I've started my own business - I co-founded RÅN studio, a creative content and creative direction studio. In my fine art practice I would often refer to psychoanalysis. In business this might be a little less apparent, however the ideas that we studied and thinkers I got to engage with during my time on the course have forever shaped me as a person both personally as well as professionally.
#FEEDME poster by Agatha A. Nitecka, part of a breast-feeding campaign by RÅN studio