Our aims
The group is led by Dr Alexandra Pitman, Dr Sarah Rowe, and Dr Gemma Lewis.
The IoMH Special Interest Group (SIG) in Self-Harm and Suicide is an interdisciplinary group of UCL researchers and clinicians from our partner NHS Trusts conducting clinical and public health research on self-harm, suicide attempt and suicide.
Our aim is to improve the understanding of the motivations, risk factors, treatments and prevention of self-harm, suicide attempt and suicide. The SIG has been established to strengthen capacity and collaboration across UCL in research into this area. We feel that every academic discipline has something to contribute to observational and interventional research on self-harm and suicide. We are keen to encourage interdisciplinary collaborations in this field, and to encourage conceptual work that synthesises perspectives and contributions from diverse disciplines. We hope that with collaborators across UCL, across the UK and internationally, including those with lived experience, this will contribute to reducing the distress associated with self-harm and suicidality and reducing suicide rates.
The SIG provides a forum for academics, clinicians and people with lived experience across UCL to share knowledge and experience of different methodological approaches to the study of self-harm and suicide and to increase collaboration through regular seminar events and other activities.
Our current objectives are:
- To enhance opportunities for collaboration between UCL researchers and clinicians in the partner NHS trusts.
- To support dissemination of self-harm and suicide research findings across UCL.
- To encourage early career researchers (ECRs) into this research field, both within UCL and beyond.
- To promote and model interdisciplinarity in self-harm and suicide research at UCL.
- To promote and model co-production of self-harm and suicide research at UCL.
If you are a UCL researcher and/or clinicians from our partner NHS Trusts interested in clinical and public health research on self-harm, suicide attempt and suicide, please register your interest in joining the SIG by entering your details at this link.
Our next online SIG event is taking place on Thursday 12th December 12pm – 1.30pm. We are fortunate to be joined by two great speakers:
- Dr Shira Barzilay (University of Haifa) – presenting work on ‘Monitoring smartphone data for suicide risk detection’
- Lianne Dhalla (UCL) - presenting work from her recent MSc project entitled ‘Can repetitive self-harm be conceptualised as an addictive behaviour? A systematic review’
You can sign up to this event via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/special-interest-group-in-self-harm-and-suicide-seminar-tickets-1092487141449?aff=oddtdtcreator