


Participant Online Materials

These materials are for participants taking part in the COMMEND therapy arm and should be used in accordance with guidance from your COMMEND therapist.

Audio Materials 

Please download the following file and enter the password as supplied by your COMMEND allocated therapist or located in your client workbook. Inside you will find unique weblinks to the audio materials available to you via Soundcloud. These files are identical to those stored on the CD. 


Download each worksheet as indicated by your allocated therapist. Files must be saved and then opened using the password supplied by your therapist or inside the client workbook.

Introducing ACT 

Noticing what is important and matters to me
What I am doing to live my life in line with the things that are important and matter to me
Noticing how I respond to my thoughts, feelings and physical sensations 
Willingness to have my thoughts, feelings and physical sensations 
Unhooking or stepping back from my thoughts, feelings and physical sensations
Looking at my thoughts, feelings and physical sensations from a different viewpoint
Doing what it takes
Problem solving for external problems
COMMEND client workbook