



Academic papers

Becoming or Remaining Agitated: The Course of Agitation in People with Dementia Living in Care Homes. The English Longitudinal Managing Agitation and Raising Quality of Life (MARQUE) Study Louise Marstona, Gill Livingstonc, Anne Laybourne and Claudia Cooper

Prevalence of and associations with agitation in residents with dementia living in care homes: MARQUE cross-sectional study Gill Livingston, Julie Barber, Louise Marston, Penny Rapaport, Deborah Livingston, Sian Cousins, Sarah Robertson, Francesca La Frenais, Claudia Cooper

Systematic review of the effective components of psychosocial interventions delivered by care home staff to people with dementia. Penny Rapaport, Gill Livingston, Joanna Murray, Aasiya Mulla and Claudia Cooper

Caring for relatives with agitation at home: a qualitative study of positive coping strategies. Juanita Hoe, Leah Jesnick, Rebecca Turner, Gerard Leavey and Gill Livingston

Proxy rated quality of life of care home residents with dementia: a systematic review. Sarah Robertson, Claudia Cooper, Juanita Hoe, Olivia Hamilton, Aisling Stringer and Gill Livingston

Interrogating personhood and dementia. Paul Higgs & Chris Gilleard

Relationship between speaking English as a second language and agitation in people with dementia living in care homes: Results from the MARQUE (Managing Agitation and Raising Quality of life) English national care home survey. Claudia Cooper, Penny Rapaport, Sarah Robertson, Louise Marston, Julie Barber, Monica Manela, Gill Livingston

Do care homes deliver person-centred care? A cross-sectional survey of staff-reported abusive and positive behaviours towards residents from the MARQUE (Managing Agitation and Raising Quality of Life) English national care home survey. Claudia Cooper, Louise Marston, Julie Barber, Deborah Livingston, Penny Rapaport, Paul Higgs, Gill Livingston

How do care home staff understand, manage and respond to agitation in people with dementia? A qualitative study Penny Rapaport, Gill Livingston, Olivia Hamilton, Rebecca Turner, Aisling Stringer, Sarah Robertson, Claudia Cooper

Care workers, the unacknowledged persons in person-centred care: A secondary qualitative analysis of UK care home staff interviews. Adam Kadri, Penny Rapaport, Gill Livingston, Claudia Cooper, Sarah Robertson, Paul Higgs

Carer coping and resident agitation as predictors of quality of life in care home residents living with dementa: Managing Agitation and Raising Quality of Life (MARQUE) English national care home prospective cohort study. Anne Laybourne, Gill Livingston, Sian Cousins, Penny Rapaport, Kate Lambe, Francesca La Frenais, Hannah Savage, Monica Manela, Aisling Stringer, Louise Marston, Julie Barber, Claudia Cooper

Why do staff and family think differently about quality of life in dementia? A qualitative study exploring perspectives in care homesSarah Robertson, Claudia Cooper, Juanita Hoe, Kathryn Lord, Penny Rapaport, Gill Livingston

Clinical and cost-effectiveness of the Managing Agitation and Raising Quality of Life (MARQUE) intervention for agitation in people with dementia in care homes: a single-blind, cluster-randomised controlled trialGill Livingston, Julie Barber, Louise Marston, Aisling Stringer, Monica Panca, Rachael Hunter, Claudia Cooper, Anne Laybourne, Francesca La Frenais, Suzanne Reeves, Monica Manela, Katie Lambe, Sube Banerjee, Penny Rapaport

Healthcare resource utilisation and costs of agitation in people with dementia living in care homes in England - The Managing Agitation and Raising QUality of LifE in Dementia (MARQUE) study. Monica Panca, Gill Livingston, Julie Barber, Claudia Cooper, Francesca La Frenais, Louise Marston, Sian Cousins, Rachael Hunter

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence and associations of stress and burnout among staff in long-term care facilities for people with dementia. Harry Costello, Sebastian Walsh, Claudia Cooper, Gill Livingston

Comparing proxy rated quality of life of people living with dementia in care homesSarah Robertson, Claudia Cooper, Juanita Hoe, Kathryn Lord, Penny Rapaport, Louise Marston, Sian Cousins, Costas Lyketsos, Gill Livingston

Agitation near the end of life with dementia: an ethnographic study of care. Elizabeth Sampson, Aisling Stringer, Francesca LaFrenais, Shanlee Higgins, Mary-Jo Doyle, Anne Laybourne, Gill Livingston, Gerard Leavey

Burnout in UK care home staff and its effect on staff turnover: MARQUE English national care home longitudinal survey. Harry Costello, Claudia Cooper, Louise Marston, Gill Livingston

Social media and blog posts

ESRC Blog. Quality of life in dementia: are the views of care home staff and relatives the same? Sarah Robertson

Dementia Researcher podcast: Discussing the MARQUE study. Penny Rapaport & Francesca La Frenais

MARQUE covered in the media

Abuse and neglect present in nine out of 10 care homes, survey shows. The Telegraph, Sarah Knapton, 21 March 2018

Abuse taking place in 99% of care homes amid 'chronic' underfunding, survey shows. The Independent, May Bulman, 22 March 2018.

Recent MARQUE engagement activities

-European Association for Palliative Care (2017)

-Wecome Hub, London (2017)

-AAIC London 2017

-Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Conference (2017)

-Royal College of Psychiatrists Meeting, Birmingham (2017)