Division of Psychiatry Green Team

The Division of Psychiatry Green Team gained the Gold Green Impact award in 2022. You can find out more on the UCL News story.
The Division is signed up to all five Faculty Sustainability pledges, as follows:
By the beginning of next academic year (2022-23):
Pledge 1: To implement the Powered by Plants initiative (i.e. all catering to be vegetarian/vegan)
Pledge 2: To be involved in developing an implementable, cross-Faculty plan to reduce energy usage (relative to the baseline year of 2018-19).
Pledge 3: To include sustainability as a standing item once per term in all Division Executive and all-staff meetings.
By the end of next academic session (2022-23):
Pledge 4: To achieve gold in Green Impact & (where relevant) LEAF.
ASAP (no specific date):
Pledge 5: Sustainability to be included in each student's curriculum and induction (Faculty Sustainability Committee will work with Faculty Education Committee to achieve this).
Further information can be found at: Faculty of Brain Sciences Sustainability website
UCL has podcasts and videos on climate change and things we can do to affect it.
UCL also has useful information on walking and cycling.
Giki Zero helps you calculate your own carbon footprint, and find ways to reduce it. Please sign up at https://zero.giki.earth/