Holding page to view the modules - this will be eventually hidden from the menu and only accessed by clicking through from the subjects list.
- 'Aristocracy' in Ancient Greece
- Abstraction since the Second World War
- Acute and Chronic Infectious Diseases
- Adorno: Art and Politics
- Advanced Civil Engineering Materials
- Advanced Class in the Philosophy of Mind
- Advanced Computer Applications in Engineering
- Advanced Creative Writing
- Advanced Digital Design
- Advanced Economics of Finance
- Advanced Geochemistry
- Advanced Human Genetics: Research Principles
- Advanced Investigative Project in Biological Sciences
- Advanced Lecture in the History of Art (1)
- Advanced Lecture in the History of Art (2)
- Advanced Macroeconomics
- Advanced Materials Processes and Nanotechnology
- Advanced Modelling Mathematical Techniques
- Advanced Modern Hebrew
- Advanced Molecular Biology: Genomics and Evolution
- Advanced Molecular Cell Biology
- Advanced Phonological Theory A
- Advanced Phonological Theory B
- Advanced Photonic Devices
- Advanced Physical Cosmology
- Advanced Process Engineering
- Advanced Quantum Theory
- Advanced Research Project in Biological Sciences
- Advanced Safety and Loss Prevention
- Advanced Semantic Theory
- Advanced Separation Processes
- Advanced Soil Mechanics
- Advanced Tech Journalism: Advanced Analysis and Communication in Engineering and Technology
- Advanced Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Advanced Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Advanced Topics in Digital Culture
- Advanced Topics in Digital Culture
- Advanced Topics on Moral Philosophy: Responsibility, Luck and Excuses
- Advanced Undergraduate Course in History of Art (1)
- Advanced Undergraduate Course in History of Art (3)
- Advanced Undergraduate Course in the History of Art (4) Modern and Contemporary Art
- Advanced Undergraduate Course in the History of Art (5) Current Debates in Early Modernity
- Aesthetics
- Affiliate Psychology Research Project
- Affiliate Seminar in Psychology
- Africa, Decolonization and Internationalism
- Africa, Decolonization and Internationalism
- Africa, Decolonization and Internationalism
- African Cities – Past and Present
- African Cities – Past and Present
- African Cities – Past and Present
- Ageing in Society
- Age of Revolution: European History 1815-1870
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 2
- Algebra 3: Further Linear Algebra
- Algebra 4: Groups and Rings
- Algebra for Joint Honours Students
- Algebraic Geometry
- Algebraic Number Theory
- Algebraic Topology
- Algorithms
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- American Cinema History
- American Geographies: Figuring the West 1848-1914
- American History in Hollywood Film
- American History in Hollywood Film A
- American History in Hollywood Film A
- American Literature to 1900
- American Literature to 1900
- An Introduction to Applied Economic Analysis
- An Introduction to Applied Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences
- An Introduction to Management
- An Introduction to Mathematica
- An Introduction to World Cinema
- An Introduction to the Mechanisms of Drug Action
- Analog Electronics
- Analog and Power Electronics
- Analysis 1
- Analysis 2
- Analysis 3: Complex Analysis
- Analysis 4: Real Analysis
- Analytical Dynamics
- Anarchism, Marxism and Beyond
- Ancient Civilisations of Andean South America
- Ancient Egypt in London
- Ancient Ideas in the Modern World
- Ancient Near Eastern Religion
- Ancient Philosophy
- Ancient and Medieval China
- Ancient and Medieval China
- Ancient and Medieval China
- Animal Biodiversity
- Animal Communication and Human Language
- Animal and Human Physiology: Integrative Physiology
- Antennas and Propagation
- Anthropological Approaches to Eurasian Socialist and Post-Socialist Societies
- Anthropological Approaches to Eurasian Socialist and Post-Socialist Societies
- Anthropological Perspectives on Global Health
- Anthropologies of Islam
- Anthropologies of Islam
- Anthropologies of Science, Society and Biomedicine
- Anthropologies of Science, Society and Biomedicine
- Anthropology and Literature
- Anthropology and Psychiatry
- Anthropology of Art and Design
- Anthropology of Ethics and Morality
- Anthropology of Ethics and Morality
- Anthropology of India
- Anthropology of the Body
- Anthropology of the Body
- Anthropology of the Built Environment
- Anthropology of the Built Environment
- Applications in Human Genetics
- Applications of Biomedical Engineering
- Applications of Biomedical Engineering A
- Applied Decision Making
- Applied Econometrics
- Applied Ethics
- Applied Mathematics 1
- Applied Moral and Political Philosophy
- Applied Thermodynamics and Turbomachinery
- Applied Thermodynamics and Turbomachinery A
- Approaches to Knowledge: Introduction to Interdisciplinarity
- Approaches to World Literature
- Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
- Archaeology of Early South Asia
- Archaeology of Mesoamerica
- Archaeometallurgy
- Architectural Practice and Enterprise
- Architectural Research 1
- Architectural Research II
- Architectural Research III
- Architecture and the Modern City
- Archival Research and Oral History in Education
- Art, Literature and Censorship
- Art and Archaeology of Ancient China
- Art and Architecture c.1700-1850
- Art and Interdisciplinarity: Measuring the World
- Art and Visual Culture in Early Modern England
- Artificial Intelligence and Neural Computing
- Art in London 1600-1850
- Art in London 1600-1850
- Art in London Before 1600
- Art in London Before 1600
- Art in the Public Sphere
- Arts, Nature and Wellbeing: Non-Clinical Interventions in Health
- Aspects of Applied Medical Anthropology
- Aspects of European Thought
- Astronomical Spectroscopy
- Astrophysical Processes: Nebulae to Stars
- Astrophysics Project
- Asymptotic Methods and Boundary Layer Theory
- Atom and Photon Physics
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Atoms, Stars and the Universe
- Authority, Democracy and Resistance
- Autoimmunity and Transplantation
- Autonomic and Central Control of Cardiorespiratory Function
- Babylon from Hammurabi to Alexander (c. 1800-30 BC)
- Babylon from Hammurabi to Alexander (c. 1800-30 BC)
- Babylon from Hammurabi to Alexander (c. 1800-30 BC)
- Baltic Politics and Society
- Basic Inorganic Chemistry
- Basic Microeconomic Concepts
- Basic Organic Chemistry
- Basic Physical Chemistry
- Behaviour Change: An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Behavioural Economics
- Better Worlds? Jewish Migration and Settlement in Britain and America
- Between Politics and Culture: German Ideas, 1890 – 1970
- Between Realism and Modernism: Documentary Work in the Early Twentieth Century
- Beyond Cities: Rural Economies, Communities and Landscapes
- Biblical Aramaic
- Bio Fluid Mechanics
- Biochemical Reaction Engineering
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Biodiversity and Macroevolutionary Patterns
- Bioengineering
- Bioengineering A
- Biofluids and Medical Devices
- Biofluids and Medical Devices A
- Biology of Ageing
- Biomaterials
- Biomathematics
- Biomechanics and Biostructures
- Biomechanics and Biostructures A
- Biomolecular Structure and Function
- Bioprocess Analysis
- Bioprocess Research Project
- Bioprocess Validation and Quality Control
- Black Georgians: Race, Nation and Migration in Eighteenth Century Britain
- Brain Stimulation
- Brain and Behaviour
- Brain in Action
- British History 1689 – c. 1860
- British History 1689 – c. 1860
- British History 1689 – c. 1860
- British History c. 1850 – 1997
- British History c. 1850 – 1997
- British History c. 1850 – 1997
- British Parliamentary Studies
- British Politics
- Building Services Engineering I
- Building for a Sustainable Future
- Building the American Nation: The United States, 1789 – 1920
- Building the American Nation: The United States, 1789 – 1920
- Building the American Nation: The United States, 1789 – 1920
- Business in a Competitive Environment
- Business in the Digital Age
- Cancer Biology
- Cell Polarity and Disease
- Cell Signalling in Health and Disease
- Cell Therapy Biology, Bioprocessing and Clinical Translation
- Cells and Development
- Cellular Neurophysiology
- Cellular Pathology
- Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology
- Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease
- Chaucer and his Literary Background
- Chaucer and his Literary Background
- Chemical Engineering Research Project
- Chemical Reaction Engineering I
- Chemical Reaction Engineering II
- Chemistry of Biologically Important Molecules
- Chemistry of Materials
- Child and Adolescent Public Health
- Children with Disabilities: Theory, Politics and Experience
- Cities and Kings in the Hellenistic World
- Cities and Social Change
- Classical Mechanics
- Classics and Literary Theory
- Climate and Energy
- Clocks, Sleep and Biological Time
- Closed Economy Macroeconomics
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Combinatorial Optimisation
- Commercial Law
- Communication and Behaviour in Organisations
- Commutative Algebra
- Company Law
- Comparative Political Analysis
- Comparative Politics
- Computational Biology
- Computational Methods
- Computational Methods for Economists
- Computational Modelling and Analysis
- Computational and Simulation Methods
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Computer-Aided Bioprocess Engineering
- Computer Architecture and Concurrency
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Music
- Computing for Design and Creative Practice
- Computing for Practical Statistics
- Computing for Psychologists
- Computing for the Built Environment
- Conflict, Humanitarianism and Health
- Conflict of Laws
- Connected Systems
- Consumer Culture: Literature, History, Theory
- Contemporary Cities
- Contemporary Polish Cinema
- Contract
- Contract Administration and Law 1
- Control Systems I
- Control and Instrumentation
- Conversation Analysis
- Corporate Financial Strategy
- Cosmology
- Creative Writing
- Creativity in Education
- Criminal Law
- Criminology
- Critical Race Theory
- Crown, Church and Estates in Central Europe, 1500 – 1700
- Crown, Church and Estates in Central Europe, 1500 – 1700
- Crown, Church and Estates in Central Europe, 1500 – 1700
- Cultural and Historical Geography
- Culture and Revolution in Twentieth-Century Latin America
- Cultures of Conflict
- Current Issues in Archaeological Theory
- Current Issues in Syntax
- Cyberlaw and Governance of Digital Markets
- Czechoslovakia in the Age of Extremes, 1918 – 1993
- Dartmouth Module: The Vietnam War
- Data Analysis
- Database and Information Management Systems
- Deafness, Cognition and Language
- Decision and Risk
- Democracy and Democratisation
- Democratic Challenges and Innovations
- Demography and the Life Course
- Design Project
- Design Technology 2
- Design and Analysis of Psychological Experiments
- Design and Control of Biochemical Reactors
- Design and Creative Practice 1
- Design and Creative Practice 2
- Design and Creative Practice 2 (compact)
- Design and Creative Practice 3
- Design and Creative Practice 3 (compact)
- Design and Professional Practice 2
- Design and Professional Skills I
- Design and Professional Skills II
- Design and Professional Skills II
- Deutschland 1945-1989: Culture and Politics in West Germany
- Development Geography
- Development Project: Regeneration
- Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition
- Developmental Neurobiology
- Developmental Psychology
- Development of Speech Perception and Production
- Dictatorship as Experience. The Coexistence of Consensus and Refusal in the German Democratic Republic
- Dictatorship as Experience. The Coexistence of Consensus and Refusal in the German Democratic Republic
- Dictatorship as Experience. The Coexistence of Consensus and Refusal in the German Democratic Republic
- Differential Geometry
- Digital Design
- Digital Electronics
- Digital Infrastructure: Materiality, Information and Politics
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Signal Processing
- Discourses and Practices of International Development
- Disease in History
- Diseases of Ageing
- Documentary Film-Making
- Documentary Film Making – Intermediate Practical Skills
- Documentary Radio – A Practice-Based Introduction
- Drug Design and Development
- Drugs and the Mind
- Dynamic Earth
- Dynamics and Control
- EU Law
- Early Modern Art and Architecture
- Early Modern Philosophy
- Earth: An Integrated System
- Earth Materials
- Earth Resources and Sustainability
- Ecological Patterns and Processes
- Econometrics for Macroeconomics and Finance
- Economic Geography
- Economic Geography II
- Economic History
- Economic History and Ideas
- Economic Policy Analysis
- Economics
- Economics 1 (Combined Studies)
- Economics II
- Economics of Cities and their Regions
- Economics of Competition Policy
- Economics of Developing Countries
- Economics of Development
- Economics of Education
- Economics of Education
- Economics of Financial Markets
- Economics of Industrial Relations
- Economics of Information
- Economics of Labour
- Economics of Migration and Job Search
- Economics of Money and Banking
- Economics of Public Policy
- Economics of Regulation
- Economics of Science
- Economics of Tax Policy
- Economics of the Family
- Economics of the Public Sector
- Economy and Trade in the Mediterranean Iron Age
- Ecosociologies: Theory, Analysis and Action
- Educating Minorities, Migrants and Refugees
- Educating for Employment? Understanding Learning in the 21st Century Economy
- Education, Religion and State: Historical and Contemporary Developments
- Elasticity and Plasticity
- Elasticity and Plasticity A
- Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Drives
- Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Drives A
- Electrical Power Systems and Electrical Propulsion
- Electrical Power Systems and Electrical Propulsion A
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Electrochemical Engineering and Power Sources
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Electromagnetic Theory and Semiconductor Devices
- Electromagnetism
- Electronic Circuits III
- Electronic Devices and Nanotechnology
- Elementary Yiddish
- Elites, Education and Inequalities
- Elliptic Curves
- Emergence of the State: The History of European Political Thought in the 17th and Early 18th Centuries
- Empire in Eurasia
- Empire in Eurasia
- Empire in Eurasia
- Employment Law
- Energy Systems and Sustainability
- Energy and Evolution
- Engaging the Public with Science
- Engineering Design
- Engineering Dynamics
- Engineering Experimentation
- Engineering Materials: Failure and Design
- Engineering Study of Rail Systems and Infrastructure
- Engineering Thinking I
- Engineering and International Development
- Engineering in Extreme Environments
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
- Environmental Design
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Physics
- Environmental Remote Sensing
- Environmental Sociology
- Environment and Society
- Environment and Society II
- Equality
- Essay on Approved Subject
- Essay on Approved Subject (Greek)
- Essay on Approved Subject (Latin)
- Essential Protein Structure and Function
- Ethics
- Ethics in Applied Economics
- Ethnography of Forest People
- Ethnography of Forest People
- Europe's First World War, 1911-1923
- European Integration in Historical Perspective
- European Macroeconomics
- European Theatre in Translation
- European Union Law
- Europe in the Early Middle Ages, 400-1000
- Europe in the Early Middle Ages, 400-1000
- Europe in the Early Middle Ages, 400-1000
- Evaluation and Planning of Business Opportunities in Bioprocessing and Life Sciences
- Evolution and Human Behaviour
- Evolution and Infectious Disease
- Evolutionary Games and Population Genetics
- Evolutionary Genetics
- Experimental Biochemistry
- Experimental Economics
- Experimental Genetics and Model Systems
- Experimental Pharmacology
- Experimental Physics
- Experimental and Interactive Storytelling – Form and Narrative
- Factorial Experimentation
- Family Law
- Fascism and Authoritarianism in Eastern Europe
- Field module in Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics
- Financial Aspects of Project Engineering
- Financial Management
- Financial Mathematics
- Finite Element Modelling and Numerical Methods
- Fluid-Particle Systems
- Fluid Mechanics
- Fluids and Soils III
- Forecasting
- Formal Epistemology
- Free Speech and Theories of Autonomy
- From Analog to Digital: Anthropological Knowledge in the Museum
- From Analog to Digital: Games and Gaming
- From Molecules to Molecular Engineering
- From Petrology to Petrogenesis
- Frontiers of Knowledge in Population Health
- Functional Analysis
- Functional Programming
- Fundamentals of Biology
- Fundamentals of Biomechanics
- Fundamentals of Ecology
- Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry
- Fundamentals of Materials
- Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
- Further Practical Mathematics and Computing
- Further Probability and Statistics
- Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution
- Galois Theory
- Game Theory
- Game Theory for the Social Sciences
- Gender, Families and Work
- Gender, Sexuality and Feminisms in Everyday Lives
- Gender and Politics
- Gender and Sexuality in Transnational Perspective, 1850-1980
- General Biochemistry of Health
- General and Systematic Pharmacology
- General and Systematic Pharmacology
- Genes and Behaviour
- Genes to Disease
- Genomics, Health and Society
- Geochemistry
- Geocomputation
- Geography, Culture and Materiality
- Geometry and Groups
- Geomorphology
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Geopolitical Events
- Georgian London: Economy, Society and Politics
- Geospatial Programming
- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- German Political and Social Thought
- Global Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
- Global Economic and Social Rights
- Global Entrepreneurship
- Global Environmental Change
- Global Environmental Politics
- Global Eradication of Viruses
- Global Events
- Global Geophysics
- Global Health Policy
- Global Issues in Education
- Global Maternal and Child Health
- Global Urbanism
- Governing Emerging Technologies
- Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- Greek Art and Architecture
- Greek Authors: Homer
- Greek Myth: Its Use and Meaning
- Greek Papyrology
- Greek Texts 1
- Greek Texts 2
- Greek Tragedy
- Greek Translation
- Greek for Beginners A
- Greek for Beginners B
- Green Futures
- Groundwater Science
- Group Project
- Growth and Convergence, with reference to Eastern Europe and Russia
- HIV Frontiers from Research to Clinics
- Hasidism and Modernity
- Health, Poverty and Development
- Health Assessment of Engineered Structures
- Health Care Law
- Health Demography
- Health Economics
- Health Economics and Policy
- Health Psychology
- Health and Behaviour
- Health and Clinical Psychology
- Health and Social Epidemiology
- Heart and Circulation
- Heat Transfer and Heat Systems
- Heat Transfer and Heat Systems A
- Hegel
- High Energy Astrophysics
- Historical and Cultural Developments of Cities and their Architecture
- History, Memory, Democracy: Politics and the Past in Latin America, c.1970 to the Present
- History, Memory, Democracy: Politics and the Past in Latin America, c.1970 to the Present
- History, Memory, Democracy: Politics and the Past in Latin America, c.1970 to the Present
- History and Archaeology of the African Diaspora
- History and Theory of Architecture
- History and Theory of Architecture
- History of Asian Medicine
- History of Economic Thought
- History of English Law
- History of Ethics: A Sociological Methodology
- History of European Art (1) Classical to Early Renaissance
- History of European Art (2): High Renaissance to the Present Day
- History of Latin America, c. 1830 – c. 1930
- History of Latin America c. 1830 - c. 1930
- History of Latin America c. 1830 - c. 1930
- History of Life
- History of Mathematics
- History of Medicine
- History of Modern Germany, 1815 – 1990
- History of Modern Germany, 1815 – 1990
- History of Modern Germany, 1815 – 1990
- History of Parliament
- History of Social Sciences
- History of the English Language
- History of the English Language
- History of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1700 – 1918
- History of the Jews in Poland
- History of the Latin Language
- History of the Soviet Union
- Homer: Odyssey
- How Words Work: Sound and Sense
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human Anatomy and Embryology (Head and Limbs)
- Human Anatomy and Embryology (Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis)
- Human Anatomy and Embryology (Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis)
- Human Being and Citizen: D
- Human Brain, Cognition and Language
- Human Brain, Cognition and Language A
- Human Ecology: Geographical Perspectives
- Human Learning and Memory
- Human Neuroanatomy
- Human Rights and World Politics
- Human Rights in the UK
- Human Sciences and Society
- Igneous Petrology
- Imagined Children: The Child in Fiction
- Immunodeficiency and Therapeutics
- Immunology
- Immunology in Health and Disease
- Independent Studio Programme in Fine Art
- India and the Global Economy, 1500-Present
- India and the Global Economy, 1500-Present
- India and the Global Economy, 1500-Present
- Individual Project
- Individual Project
- Infection
- Infectious Agents
- Information through the Ages
- Innovation Management
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry for Engineers
- Integrated Downstream Processing
- Integrated Engineering
- Integrative Systems Neuroscience
- Intellectual Property Law
- Intelligent Design? Science, Religion and Material Culture 1500 – 1830
- Interactions in Music and Science
- Interdisciplinary Game Theory
- Interdisciplinary Research Methods
- Intermediate Biblical Hebrew
- Intermediate Generative Grammar: Locaility
- Intermediate Generative Grammar: Word Order
- Intermediate Greek A
- Intermediate Greek B
- Intermediate Latin A
- Intermediate Latin B
- Intermediate Logic
- Intermediate Microeconomics: Microeconomics of the Firm
- Intermediate Microeconomics: Microeconomics of the Household
- Intermediate Phonetics and Phonology A
- Intermediate Phonetics and Phonology B
- Intermediate Pragmatics
- Intermediate Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Intermediate Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics A
- Intermediate Yiddish
- International Development
- International Development and Public Policy
- International Organisations
- International Political Economy (no pre-requisites)
- International Political Economy (pre-requisites)
- International Relations Theories
- International Relations Theories
- International Security
- International Strategy
- International Trade
- International Trade
- Interpreting Archaeological Evidence
- Interpreting Greek Literature
- Interpreting Latin Literature
- Interstellar Physics
- Intimate Strangers: Devils, Monsters, Beasts
- Introducing Planning Systems
- Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Language
- Introduction to Applied Probability
- Introduction to Archaeology
- Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
- Introduction to Biblical and Rabbinic Literature
- Introduction to Biochemical Engineering
- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
- Introduction to Children's Language Development
- Introduction to Deafhood
- Introduction to Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology
- Introduction to Electronic Engineering
- Introduction to English Literature
- Introduction to European History, Law, Politics and Philosophy
- Introduction to European Prehistory
- Introduction to Field Ecology
- Introduction to Generative Grammar A
- Introduction to Generative Grammar B
- Introduction to Genetics
- Introduction to Greek Archaeology
- Introduction to Human Anatomy
- Introduction to Human Genetics
- Introduction to Israeli Society, Culture and Politics
- Introduction to Language
- Introduction to Law
- Introduction to Logic 1
- Introduction to Logic 2
- Introduction to Material and Visual Culture
- Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
- Introduction to Moral Philosophy
- Introduction to Nanotechnology
- Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology A
- Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology B
- Introduction to Political Philosophy
- Introduction to Practical Statistics
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- Introduction to Psychological Experimentation
- Introduction to Real Estate
- Introduction to Research Methods
- Introduction to Roman Archaeology
- Introduction to Seismic Design of Structures
- Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics A
- Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics B
- Introduction to Social Anthropology
- Introduction to Social Anthropology II
- Introduction to Social and Business Psychology
- Introduction to Speech Science
- Introduction to Statistical Methods in Psychology
- Introduction to Syriac
- Introduction to Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Introduction to Ugaritic
- Introduction to the Built Environment
- Introduction to the Study of Language
- Introductory Mammalian Physiology
- Introductory Pharmacology
- Introductory Social Anthropology I
- Invasion, Integration and Identity in the North Sea Zone, c. 400 – 1200
- Investigating Contemporary Science
- Isotope Geology
- Issues in Economic Development
- Issues in Pragmatics
- Jewish-Muslim Relations in Historical Perspective
- Judaism and the Origins of Christianity
- Jurisprudence and Legal Theory
- Justice and Public Policy
- Knowledge and Power in Latin America, 1810s-1910s
- Knowledge and Reality
- Laboratory Methods in Phonetics and Speech Science
- Language Study
- Language and Cognition
- Languages in Contact along the Danube: Intercultural Frictions and Flows
- Lasers and Modern Optics
- Late and Medieval Latin I
- Latin Palaeography
- Latin Prose Composition I
- Latin Texts 1
- Latin Texts 2
- Latin Translation
- Latin for Beginners A
- Latin for Beginners B
- Law's Empire: Legal Cultures in the British Colonial World
- Law and Governance in Contemporary China
- Law and Social Inquiry
- Law for Managers
- Law in Action
- Law of Evidence
- Law of Taxation
- Level 1 Language
- Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
- Life on Earth
- Linear Models and the Analysis of Variance
- Linear Partial Differential Equations
- Linguistics of Sign Language
- Literacies Across the Lifecourse
- Literary Representations and the History of Homosexuality
- Literature and Charisma
- Literature of Travel
- Lithic Technology
- Livestock and Pastoralism in Archaeology
- Logic
- Logic and Database Theory
- London Architecture I
- London Architecture II
- London Architecture III
- London Architecture V
- London Architecture VI
- London Architecture VII
- London Before the Great Fire
- London Lab
- London and Paris, c. 1700 – c. 1850
- Looking, Making and Communicating
- MSci Research Project in Pharmacology
- Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
- Making Cities: the Production of the Built Environment
- Making Sense of the Senses
- Mammalian Physiology
- Management I
- Management for Built Environment Professionals I
- Management for Built Environment Professionals II
- Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
- Managing Fresh Waters in the 21st Century
- Manufacturing and Design
- Maritime Design
- Marketing Communications
- Mastering Entrepreneurship
- Materials: Their Use and Structural Function
- Materials and Applied Fluid Mechanics I
- Materials and Applied Fluid Mechanics II
- Materials and Fatigue
- Materials and Fatigue A
- Materials and Nanomaterials
- Mathematical Ecology
- Mathematical Methods 1
- Mathematical Methods 1
- Mathematical Methods 2
- Mathematical Methods 2
- Mathematical Methods 3
- Mathematical Methods 3
- Mathematical Methods 4
- Mathematical Methods 5
- Mathematical Methods for Arts and Sciences
- Mathematical Methods for Theoretical Physics
- Mathematical Modelling and Analysis
- Mathematical Modelling in Biomedicine
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics for General Relativity
- Matters of Life and Death
- Measure Theory
- Mechanical Engineering Practical Skills 1
- Mechanics of Solids and Structures
- Mechanics of Solids and Structures A
- Mechanisms of Development
- Media, Culture and Society in the Soviet Union: from Stalin to 1991
- Media, Culture and Society in the Soviet Union: from Stalin to 1991
- Media, Culture and Society in the Soviet Union: from Stalin to 1991
- Media Production in Education
- Medical Anthropology A
- Medical Imaging (Ionising and Non-ionising)
- Medical Statistics I
- Medieval History in London Collections
- Memory
- Memory and Decision
- Memory and Literature in a Globalised Culture
- Mergers and Valuation
- Metabolic Neuroscience
- Metabolism and its Regulation
- Metaethics
- Metaphysics
- Metaphysics of Science
- Methodologies of Art History
- Methodologies of Drawing
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Microbial Pathogenesis
- Microeconometrics
- Microeconomics
- Middle English Literature II
- Middle English Literature II
- Migration and Health
- Migration and Society
- Migration and Transnationalism
- Modelling and Analysis II
- Modern English Language
- Modern English Language
- Modern Hebrew (Higher Intermediate)
- Modern Hebrew (Lower Intermediate)
- Modern Hebrew for Beginners
- Modern and Contemporary Art: The Anti-Aesthetic
- Modern and Contemporary Art in London
- Modern and Contemporary Art in London
- Modern and Contemporary Art in London
- Modern and Contemporary Art in London
- Modern and Contemporary Art in London
- Modern and Contemporary Art in London
- Modernism and European Avant-Gardes
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Biophysics
- Molecular Mechanisms of Gene Expression and Regulation
- Molecular Pharmacology
- Molecular Physics
- Molecular Thermodynamics
- Molecular Virology
- Money and Banking
- Morality and Literature
- Multilingualisim in Cognition
- Multivariable Analysis
- Music, Film and Media in Africa
- Narratives of Exile
- Nationalism and Ethnicity in Contemporary Europe
- Nature, Technology and the Environment
- Nature Inspired Chemical Engineering
- Neoplasia and its Treatment
- Networked Systems
- Neural Basis of Motivation and Learning
- Neural Basis of Perception, Memory and Language
- Neural Computation: Models of Brain Function
- Neurolinguistics
- Neuropharmacology
- Neuropharmacology
- Neutrality and Neutral States in 20th Century Europe
- New Venture Creation
- New and Renewable Energy Systems
- New and Renewable Energy Systems A
- Newtonian Mechanics
- Nietzsche
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Number Theory
- Numerical Methods
- Numerical Methods
- Object-Orientated Programming
- Object Lessons: Communicating Knowledge through Collections
- Observational Astronomy 1 - Technique
- Observational Astronomy 2 - Applications
- Ocean Engineering Fundamentals
- Ocean Physics and Climate Change
- Of, On and In London
- Offshore and Coastal Engineering
- Old English Literature II
- Old English Literature II
- One Term Psychology Research Project
- Open Source Synthetic Biology
- Optical Transmission and Networks
- Optimisation Algorithms in Operational Research
- Order and Excitations in Condensed Matter
- Organic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry for Engineers
- Organisational Psychology
- Pain
- Palaeoclimatology
- Particle Physics
- Particulate Systems and Separation Processes II
- Penal Era or Golden Age?: Ireland 1689 – 1801
- People and Environments
- Perception
- Perception, Attention and Learning
- Perspectives on Clinical Psychology
- Pharmacology of Inflammation
- Pharmacology of Inflammation (Extended)
- Philosophical Research in Education
- Philosophical Study Skills: Reading, Understanding and Essay Writing
- Philosophy, Values, and the Social Sciences
- Philosophy of Language
- Philosophy of Medicine
- Philosophy of Medicine
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of Natural Sciences
- Philosophy of Science 2
- Phonetic Theory
- Photonic Subsystems
- Photonics II
- Photonics and Communication Systems
- Physical Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Physical Cosmology
- Physics Project
- Physics Project BSc
- Physics of Electronics and Nanotechnology
- Physics of the Earth
- Physics of the Solar System
- Planetary Atmospheres
- Planning History and Thought
- Plants and Archaeology
- Poland in the UK
- Policy Issues in the Life Sciences
- Political Economy
- Political Economy of European Integration
- Political Geography and Geopolitics
- Political Sociology
- Political Studies: Directed Independent Study
- Political Studies: Directed Independent Study
- Political Violence and Intrastate Conflicts
- Politics and Societies of Southeast Europe
- Politics and Society in Central and Eastern Europe
- Politics of Economic Policy in Post-Industrial Democracies
- Politics of the European Union
- Population Ageing
- Post-1945 European Literature
- Post-Soviet Politics and Society
- Postcolonial Geographies of African Development
- Posthuman Ecologies: Art, Literature and Philosophy
- Power, Conflict and the Collective Action: The Sociology of Social Movements
- Power Electronics
- Power Transmission and Auxiliary Machinery Systems
- Power Transmission and Auxiliary Machinery Systems A
- Practical Astrophysics 2A
- Practical Mathematics 1
- Practical Pharmacology
- Practical Physics 2A
- Practical Physics and Computing 2
- Practical Research Skills
- Practical Skills 1A
- Practical Skills 1C
- Practical Skills 1P
- Practical Skills for Feature Writing in a Multimedia World
- Pragmatics and Cognition
- Primate Behaviour and Ecology
- Primate Behaviour and Ecology A
- Primate Evolution and Environments
- Primate Evolution and Environments
- Prime Numbers and their Distribution
- Principles and Practice of Remote Sensing
- Principles of Climate
- Principles of Programming
- Principles of Public International Law
- Probability
- Probability and Inference
- Probability and Statistics
- Process Design Principles
- Process Dynamics and Control
- Process Heat Transfer
- Process Plant Design Project
- Process Systems Modelling and Design
- Programming I
- Programming and Control Systems
- Project Management I
- Property I
- Property and Planning Law
- Psycholinguistics: General Processing
- Psycholinguistics: Stages in Normal Language Development
- Psychology Readings
- Psychology and Education
- Psychology in the Real World
- Psychology of Politics
- Psychopharmacology
- Psychopharmacology
- Public Archaeology
- Public Health in Context
- Public International Law
- Public Law
- Pushkin
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Qualitative Thinking: Research Methods amd Cultural Analysis
- Quantitative Biology
- Quantitative Economics and Econometrics
- Quantitative Economics and Econometrics I
- Quantitative Methods 2: Data Science and Visualisation
- Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Thinking
- Quantitative and Computational Finance
- Quantum Computation and Communication
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
- Quantum Physics
- Questions of Feminism in Modern & Contemporary Art
- Questions of Realism
- RF Circuits and Sub-Systems
- Race, Ethnicity and the "Other" in Africa
- Race, Identity and Empire in the Iberian World, 1500-1700
- Radar Systems
- Radical Education
- Re-imagining the Self: Reading Chinese Short Fiction
- Reaction Mechanisms in Chemical and Biological Systems
- Readings in Syntax
- Real Estate Development
- Real Estate Economics
- Real Estate Investment and Finance
- Real Estate Management
- Real Estate Valuation
- Real Fluids
- Reality Capture and Precision 3D Sensing
- Receptor Mechanisms
- Reconstructing Past Environments
- Regions and Regionalism in Europe
- Rehabiliation of Acquired Neurogenic Communication Difficulties
- Relics, Saints, Images and Power
- Religion, State and Society in Modern European History
- Religious Conversion in the Fourth Century: The Confessions of St Augustine
- Remembering Slavery
- Renewable Energy
- Representation Theory
- Representation and Reality
- Representations of Russia
- Representing 'Others' in British Art c. 1700 – c. 1850
- Reproduction, Fertility and Sex
- Reproduction, Fertility and Sex
- Republicanism and Identity Politics in France Today
- Research-led History and Philosophy of Science
- Research Design and Methodologies
- Research Methods in Psychology
- Researching Education and Society: Qualitative Methods
- Researching Politics and Sociology
- Respiration in Health and Disease
- Rethinking Capitalism
- Riemannian Geometry
- Rights, Equality and Justice in Education
- Ritual Healing and Therapeutic Emplotment
- Ritual Healing and Therapeutic Emplotment
- Roads and Underground Infrastructure: Design, Construction and Maintenance
- Roman Art and Architecture
- Roman Authors: Roman Love Poetry
- Roman Empire from Augustus to Theodosious I
- Roman Empire from Augustus to Theodosius I
- Roman Empire from Augustus to Theodosius I
- Roman Law
- Roman Satire and its Reception
- Russian Cinema: History, Ideology, Society
- Russian Cinema: Men and Women
- Russian Literature from the Death of Stalin to the Present: Experiment and Emigration
- Russian Literature in Revolution: Experiments in Form, 1917– 53
- Russian Poetry from Pushkin to Brodsky
- Russian Politics and Society
- Russian Short Fiction from Romanticism to Postmodernism
- Science, Art and Co-design
- Science, Art and Philosophy
- Science Journalism
- Science Meets Religion in the Global Community
- Science and Empire
- Science and Ethics
- Science and Film Production
- Science and Religion
- Science and the Publishing Industry
- Science in Government
- Science in Popular Culture
- Scientific Programming Using Object-Oriented Languages
- Seismic Risk Assessment
- Seismology I
- Seismology II
- Selected Themes in the Archaeology of the Later Roman Empire
- Semantic-Pragmatic Development
- Semantic Theory
- Seminar in Expressive Prosody
- Separation Processes I
- Sex, Genes and Evolution
- Shakespeare
- Shakespeare
- Signals and Systems I
- Social Change in Central and Eastern Europe
- Social Construction of Landscapes
- Social Construction of Landscapes
- Social History of Learning and Learners
- Social Inequality and Mobility
- Social Justice and Social Psychology
- Social Networks
- Social Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Social Statistics
- Social Systems in Religious History from Constantine to Napoleon
- Social Systems in Religious History from Constantine to Napoleon
- Social Systems in Religious History from Constantine to Napoleon
- Social Theory
- Social Theory
- Sociolinguistics
- Sociology of Childhood
- Sociology of Gender
- Software Engineering
- Soil Mechanics
- Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology
- Solar Physics
- Solid Biomechanics
- Solid State Physics
- Soviet and Russian Foreign Policy
- Space Plasma and Magnetospheric Physics
- Spatial-Temporal Data Analysis and Data Mining
- Spatial Analysis and Geocomputation
- Spatial Databases and Data Management
- Species Conservation and Biodiversity
- Spectral Theory
- Speech
- Speech Production and Perception
- Staging Europe: Modern European Drama and Theatre
- State, Sovereignty and Liberty: The History of European Political Thought in the Eighteenth Century
- Statistical Inference
- Statistical Physics of Matter
- Statistics for Environmental Geographers
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Stochastic Methods in Finance I
- Stochastic Systems
- Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Strategic Planning Project
- Strategic Project Management
- Strategies of Terrorism
- Structural Analysis and Design
- Structural Dynamics
- Structural Geology and Tectonics
- Structure, Materials and Forming Techniques
- Structure and Function of Nervous Systems
- Structures and Materials III
- Studies in European History
- Stuttering
- Successors to the Habsburgs: East-Central Europe, 1914-1945
- Successors to the Habsburgs: East-Central Europe, 1914-1945
- Successors to the Habsburgs: East-Central Europe, 1914-1945
- Sumerian Language
- Superpower: A Global History of the United States, 1898-1989
- Superpower: A Global History of the United States, 1898-1989
- Superpower: A Global History of the United States, 1898-1989
- Surface Processes
- Surface and Groundwater Hydrology
- Sustainable Energy
- Synaptic Pharmacology
- Systems, Society and Sustainability
- Systems Engineering
- Systems Neuroscience
- Teaching History: Theory and Practice from 1900 to the Present
- Tech Journalism: Analysis and Communication in Engineering and Technology
- Technology Studies
- Temporality, Consciousness and Everyday Life
- Temporality, Consciousness and Everyday Life
- The Age of Extremes in the Balkans
- The Age of Stonehenge
- The Anthropology of Social Media
- The Arab-Israeli Conflict
- The Arab-Israeli Conflict: War and Diplomacy in the Middle East
- The Archaeology of Human Remains
- The Archaeology of Mesoamerica
- The Aztecs and the Conquest of Mexico
- The Balkans from Empires to Nation-States
- The Biology of Development
- The Cellular Basis of Brain Function
- The City in the Roman World from c.100 BC to AD 500
- The City in the Roman World from c.100 BC to AD 500
- The City in the Roman World from c. 100 BC to AD 500
- The Construction Industry and its Management
- The Control of Movement
- The Dialogues of Plato
- The Earth
- The Economics of Children and Families
- The Economics of Entrepreneurship
- The Economics of Growth
- The Emergence and Spread of Modern Humans
- The Emergence of Bronze Age Aegean Civilisation
- The Evolution of Vocal Communication
- The Fall and Rise of the Polish Nation, 1648 – 1921
- The Fall and Rise of the Polish Nation, 1648 – 1921
- The Fall and Rise of the Polish Nation, 1648 – 1921
- The First European Union? Christendom, c.1100 – c.1350
- The First European Union? Christendom, c.1100 – c.1350
- The First European Union? Christendom c.1100 - c.1350
- The Friars in the Medieval World
- The Global Economy since 1700
- The Global Economy since 1700
- The Global Economy since 1700
- The Greek World c.800-386 BC
- The Greek World c.800-386 BC
- The Greek World c.800-386 BC
- The History of European Political Ideas
- The History of Western Political Thought
- The History of Western Political Thought
- The History of Western Political Thought
- The History of the Category 'Art'
- The Industrial Revolution in Britain
- The Industrial Revolution in Britain A
- The Industrial Revolution in Britain A
- The Learning Sciences
- The Life Course
- The Making of Modern America: The United States since 1920
- The Making of Modern America: The United States since 1920
- The Making of Modern America: The United States since 1920
- The Making of Modern Russian Culture
- The Making of Modern Ukraine
- The Medieval Universe
- The Medieval Universe A
- The Medieval Universe A
- The Modern Period II
- The Modern Period II
- The Neurobiology of Neurodegenrative Disease
- The Person, Love and Utopia in Russian Thought
- The Petersburg 'Text' in Russian Literature and Culture: From Romanticism to Modernism
- The Philosophical Foundations of Effective Altruism
- The Physics of Stars
- The Political Thought of the French Revolution
- The Psychology of Individual Differences
- The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia
- The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia
- The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia
- The Romantic Period
- The Romantic Period
- The Seleukid Empire, c. 312-145 BC
- The Seleukid Empire, c. 312-145 BC
- The Seleukid Empire, c. 312-145 BC
- The Seventeenth Century
- The Seventeenth Century
- The Story and I – Finding the Form: a practical exploration of story-telling
- Thematic Seminar (1): Art and Architecture pre-1800
- Thematic Seminar (2): Art and Architecture after 1800
- Theoretical Perspectives in Social Anthropology and Material Culture
- Theoretical Perspectives in Social Anthropology and Material Culture A
- Theory and History of Conservation
- Theory and Method for the Archaeology of the Ancient World
- Theory of Computation
- Theory of Dynamical Systems
- Theory of Traffic Flow
- Thermal Physics
- Thermodynamics
- Thinking Through Identities
- Time and the Index – The evolving narrative of Photography and Film
- Tissue Engineering
- Tissue Engineering A
- Topics in Aristotle
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Topics in Developmental Psychology
- Topics in Film Studies 1
- Topics in Film Studies 2
- Topics in Greek Philosophy: Aristotle
- Topics in History
- Topics in Household Economics
- Topics in Linguistics 1
- Topics in Linguistics 2
- Topics in Microeconomics
- Topics in Moral Psychology
- Topics in Neurobiology
- Topics in Visual Representation
- Topics in the Modern Novel
- Topology and Groups
- Tort Law
- Transforming and Creating Worlds: Anthropological Perspectives on Techniques and Technology
- Transforming and Creating Worlds: Anthropological Perspectives on Techniques and Technology
- Translation and Intercultural Communication
- Transport Phenomena
- Transport Phenomena II
- Transport Policy and Planning
- Travel Writing
- Twelfth-Century Empires: Anglo-French and German Realms Compared
- Twenty-First Century Fiction
- US-Israeli Relations from 1948 to the Present Day
- US Internationalism, 1865-1920
- Understanding Cities and their Spatial Cultures
- Understanding Management
- Understanding the Early Mesopotamian World
- Understanding the Early Mesopotamian World
- Understanding the Early Mesopotamian World
- Urban Design: Space and Place
- Urban Design: Theory to Practice
- Urban Economics
- Urban Flooding and Drainage
- Urban Form and Formation
- Urban Geography
- Urban Inequalities and Global Development
- Urban Lab I: Graphic Skills
- Urban Lab II: Spatial Analysis
- Urban Political Ecology
- Urban Project Management
- Urban Tales: the City in East Asian Literature
- Utopias and Dystopias in 20th-Century Literature
- Vampires, Society and Culture: Transylvania and Beyond
- Vertebrate Life and Evolution
- Vertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution
- Vibrations, Acoustics and Control
- Vibrations, Acoustics and Control A
- Viruses and Disease
- Visual Neuroscience
- Voluntary Organisations, NGOs and the British Public (1914 – 1985)
- War, Rebellion and Social Discontent in Modern China
- War, Rebellion and Social Discontent in Modern China
- War, Rebellion and Social Discontent in Modern China
- War, Trauma and Memory in East European Cinema
- War and Peace
- Waste and Resource Efficiency
- Water and Development in Africa
- Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Waves, Optics and Acoustics
- Waves and Wave Scattering
- Ways of Thinking and Ways of Being
- Web Programming for Research in Psychology and Language Science
- Web and Mobile GIS - Apps and Programming
- Welfare Politics
- Why Democracy?
- Work and Employment Relations
- World, Sentences and Measures
- World Archaeology (i): Evolutionary Origins to the Earliest States
- World Archaeology (ii): From Early States to Globalization
- Writing About International Affairs
- Xenophon: Politics, Identity and Text in Classical Greece
- Yiddish Literature: Special Topics
- Youth and Youth Movements in the Modern World
- Youth in a Globalising World