- How strict is the deadline?
Our deadline is slightly flexible, so it does not matter if your application reaches us a few days later. However, we do recommend you submit a complete application as close to this deadline as you can to ensure it can be processed in time to meet the housing and visa deadlines.
- How can I check my application has been recieved and is completed
Once we receive your application it is checked to see whether or not there are any parts missing and to validate your eligibility for the programme. If there are any issues, or any parts missing, we will email you directly to the address specified on your application. Once all of the components of your application have been received, your application will be forwarded to the relevant department for review. If you do not hear from us within two weeks of submitting your application, please presume that it is complete and being reviewed by the department.
Once an admissions decision has been made, we will email you with the details of the decision, and send official confirmation in the post.
If you have not heard from us after a month of submitting your application, you may phone or email us to check on your application. Due to the large number of applications and enquiries we receive, we are not always able to respond to your enquiry immediately.
- Can my professors send my references separately?
Yes, your professors may send in your references separately and the rest of your application will be kept on hold until all references have been received.
Your professors may email these directly to affiliate-admissions@ucl.ac.uk and we ask that they also send an original, signed copy in the post to:
UCL Admissions Office
University College London
Gower Street
UK- When will I hear if I have been successful?
We will process all applications on an on-going basis, and hope to get back to you with a decision within a month, although this is not always possible. We will email you if there are any problems with your application, and we will also email you the details of your admissions decision as well as sending a hardcopy letter in the post.
If you have not heard from us after a month of submitting your application, you may phone or email us to check on your application. Due to the large number of applications and enquiries we receive, we are not always able to respond to your enquiry immediately.
- I have been made an offer what should I do next?
If you want to accept your offer to UCL, you should complete the offer reply form and return it to the Admissions Office. A hard copy will be posted to you, and an electronic version will be attached to your offer email.
You may return this via post, email or fax as follows:
Post: UCL Admissions Office
University College London
Gower Street
UKEmail: affiliate-admissions@ucl.ac.uk
Fax:+44 (0)20 7679 7691 / 3112
You should also apply for accommodation by following the instructions on the accommodation website.
(N.B. You will only be allocated housing once you have returned your offer reply form to accept your Unconditional Offer).
Further details on what to do next can be found in the “Congratulations” sheet included in your offer pack and email.
- How can I check you have recieved my offer reply form?
Due to the large number of enquiries we deal with, we are unable to acknowledge receipt of your offer reply form. However, as housing and visa deadlines approach, we will email you if we have not received your offer reply form as a reminder. Please read all emails from us carefully.
- I'm waiting for a new passport, should I still send my offer form?
Yes, please do send in your offer reply form as soon as you have decided to accept or decline your offer. You may email us at affiliate-admissions@ucl.ac.uk with your passport details at a later date, and again we will email you for this information later in the year as a reminder.
- How do I apply for accommodation?
You can find full details about the application process and the various housing options available on our accommodation website.
(N.B. You will only be allocated housing once you have returned your offer reply form to accept your Unconditional Offer). If you have any specific questions about housing, please consult the very helpful accommodation FAQ booklet.
Please note that accommodation applications should be sent directly to the UCL Residences office and not the Admissions Office. If you have a query about your housing application or need to make any changes, you should contact the UCL Residences Office directly.
- When will I know about accommodation?
Housing offers will be made over the summer and offer packs will be posted to the contact address you specify on your housing application form.
- When and how do I register for my courses?
Course Registration for affiliate students happens during the International Student’s Orientation Programme on arrival. Before this date you can consult the individual departmental webpages for more information about courses, or contact the affiliate tutor directly as per the contact details in the study abroad guide.
If you need to get courses approved for credit, please ensure you include some back-up choices in case the courses you are interested in are unavailable to you on arrival.
We will send you further information about course registration and preparation later in the year via email.- I need a visa when do apply for it?
We will send you details about applying for a visa later in the year once you have returned your offer reply form to accept your unconditional offer.
If you would like information about visas in the meantime, please look at our immigration and visa pages.
We will send all visa information (including CAS numbers where required) via email, so please ensure you write your email address clearly on all correspondence.
- Are there any course restrictions for certain departments?
Yes, some departments do have certain access restrictions as follows:
Management Science and Innovation (MSI):
Unfortunately, due to the way in which these courses and their assessments are structured, MSI classes are only available to students attending UCL for the full year or spring semester only, as all students need to be at UCL for the assessment period in the summer term. Therefore, if you are hoping to attend UCL for the fall semester only, you will not be able to take any MSI classes.
Level 2 and Level 3 (higher level) Economics courses are only available to students who have been admitted to Economics either as their main or joint admitting department. There is also a minimum GPA requirement of 3.5 for Economics.
If you have not been accepted to Economics, the Level 1 courses would still be options for you to study as electives (subject to availability and course tutor approval).
History or Art:
History of Art is only available to History of Art majors, and there is an expectation that these students will take the higher level courses (level one courses are not available to History of Art students).
If you are not directly admitted to History of Art, the level one courses in the study abroad guide would be available to you as electives (subject to availability and course tutor approval).Pharmacy:
It is currently not possible to take taught courses or attend practical training for licensing purposes. The school offers 3-12 month research project placements, as part of undergraduate or postgraduate studies. More information can be found on the school's websiteOther Courses:
Some other courses will have pre-requisites, and to be certain you should contact the relevant Affiliate Tutor directly, or speak with them at Orientation- Can I take courses outside of the department covered by the exchange agreement?
Yes, you are expected to take at least 50% of your courses within the main admitting department, however you still have the flexibility to choose up to 50% as electives elsewhere.
Obviously, some departments will have specific pre-requisites or other restrictions. For further details, you should contact the Affiliate Tutor/Contact as per the details in the relevant subject page in the study abroad guide.
- Medical electives
For students who wish to apply to study at UCL under the UCL Medical School Elective Programme please follow the link below:
Electives for Visiting Students and Erasmus Exchange at UCL Medical School