Economy, State and Society: Economics and Business MA (International)
London, Bloomsbury for year one and either Belgrade, Budapest, Kraków, Prague, St Petersburg or Tartu for year two
Study mode
UK tuition fees (2024/25)
Overseas tuition fees (2024/25)
Programme starts
Applications accepted
Applications closed
Applications closed
Deadline for receipt of references is 30 April 2023.
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Graduate Open Events: International Masters (IMESS)
The SSEES Graduate Open Series provides a focused session on each of our subject areas. Our virtual event series promises an invaluable experience for prospective master’s students as they explore a diverse range of postgraduate master’s and PhD opportunities. Guided by our accomplished academics and passionate student ambassadors, this series is designed to deliver comprehensive insights into the school and its programme offering.
UCL is regulated by the Office for Students. University of Belgrade, Serbia is regulated by Serbian Ministry of Education; Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary is regulated by the Hungarian Ministry of Education; Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland is regulated by the Polish Ministry of Science & Higher Education; Charles University, Czech Republic is regulated by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport; Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg, Russia is regulated by the Ministry of Science & Higher Education of the Russian Federation Moscow; University of Tartu, Estonia is regulated by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.