Design for Manufacture MArch
London, Bloomsbury and London, Hackney Wick (Here East)
Study mode
UK tuition fees (2024/25)
Full-time: Published fee is for the whole programme and must be paid in Year 1. No fees are charged in Year 2..
Part-time: Published fee is for half the programme and must be paid in Year 1. The other half must be paid in Year 2 and is subject to an increase of up to 5%. No fees are charged in Year 3.
Note: SLC instalments and UCL fee payment deadlines do not align. You will therefore have a shortfall in your fees to UCL. You will need to personally fund any shortfall until the remainder of your loan is paid to you by SLC.
Part-time: Published fee is for half the programme and must be paid in Year 1. The other half must be paid in Year 2 and is subject to an increase of up to 5%. No fees are charged in Year 3.
Note: SLC instalments and UCL fee payment deadlines do not align. You will therefore have a shortfall in your fees to UCL. You will need to personally fund any shortfall until the remainder of your loan is paid to you by SLC.
Overseas tuition fees (2024/25)
Full-time: Published fee is for the whole programme and must be paid in Year 1. No fees are charged in Year 2..
Part-time: Published fee is for half the programme and must be paid in Year 1. The other half must be paid in Year 2 and is subject to an increase of up to 5%. No fees are charged in Year 3.
Note: SLC instalments and UCL fee payment deadlines do not align. You will therefore have a shortfall in your fees to UCL. You will need to personally fund any shortfall until the remainder of your loan is paid to you by SLC.
Part-time: Published fee is for half the programme and must be paid in Year 1. The other half must be paid in Year 2 and is subject to an increase of up to 5%. No fees are charged in Year 3.
Note: SLC instalments and UCL fee payment deadlines do not align. You will therefore have a shortfall in your fees to UCL. You will need to personally fund any shortfall until the remainder of your loan is paid to you by SLC.
4 terms
30 months
5 calendar years
Programme starts
September 2024
Applications accepted
Applicants who require a visa:
16 Oct 2023 –
05 Apr 2024
Applications closed
Applicants who do not require a visa:
16 Oct 2023 –
30 Aug 2024
Applications closed
Visit us
Online - Open day
Graduate Open Events: Design for Manufacture MArch
Whether your ambition is to design better buildings, plan better cities, build sustainable communities or help meet the challenge of climate change, The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment could be a big step towards it. Learn more about our courses through a range of taster lectures, Q&As and info sessions.
UCL is regulated by the Office for Students.