
UCL Population Health Sciences


Symposium part I: Perils and promises of propensity scores

3 June 2020

On 2 June 2020 the Network for Applied Statisticians in Health (NASH) hosted our annual symposium as an Virtual Event (part 1): Perils and promises of propensity scores.


Annual symposium resources

The slides and recordings related to this event are available below:

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/giGEAh27

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/J1B960G3


Academic profiles

Organised by UCL's Network of Applied Statistician in Health, Methods in Action is a 2-hour class where statisticians present a statistical methodology in detail.