
UCL Population Health Sciences


#IsolympicsPopHealth: Game 3

7 April 2020

In these unprecedented times, UCL Population Health Sciences presents an opportunity for you to engage in some light-hearted escapism. We welcome you to join us and compete in Game 3 – Football Keepy-uppies – of our Isolympic Games.

Join us for the Game 2 of the Isolympics Games

How can I take part?

This represents a change in tone from the pioneering research we normally present to you. As our researchers tackle the challenges of the day, we hope this will provide some entertainment and light relief while we all stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. 

All of the Games are intended to be played indoors, in isolation, but we hope this will be an opportunity to engage virtually with others, and in-person with those you co-habit with. Please observe government guidelines at all times wherever you are in the world. 


The Games will be announced regularly via our Twitter account and via email. We are initially planning to run up to eight Games in total. The champion will be chosen by the Faculty and DM’d for details. 

The weekly prize will be a £50 voucher to assist with entertainment while in isolation. Anyone is welcome to take part but prize winners must be a current UCL Population Health Sciences student.

Game 3: Football (Keep-ups/Keepy-uppies)

Equipment: One toilet roll
Explanation, Rules and Judging: Take one unused toilet roll. This is your ball. Whoever keeps the ball aloft with the most strikes and with the most flair wins. You may use any body part EXCEPT your arms from the shoulders down.

Points awarded for number of keep-ups and flair achieved.

Send us your video clip

Simply submit the clip of your Football Keep-ups to the FPHS Twitter account @UCLPopHealthSci with the hashtag #IsolympicsPopHealth by Sunday 16 May. We will review and select our favourite who will be crowned Isolympic Champion for the week!

Please note that this competition is intended to be a bit of fun. Scoring is hypothetical, the winner will be based on our subjective opinion, but the prize is very real (if an electronic voucher for streaming entertainment online counts as ‘real’).

Let the Isolympic Games begin! #IsolympicsPopHealth