Methods in Action: Causal inference in epidemiology; theory and practice
10 September 2019, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm
In this Methods in Action session, three statisticians will give detailed presentations on their own statistical methodologies related to causal inference in epidemiology.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Free
Network of Applied Statisticians in Health
Room G01UCL Institute of Health Informatics222 Euston RoadLondonNW1 2DA
14:00 Daniel Tompsett
Applying G-estimation in R via a propensity score regression adjustment method
14:20 Michalis Katsoulis
Weight change and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in normal weight, overweight and obese adults, using electronic health records
15:30 Karla Diaz Ordaz
Machine learning in comparative effectiveness using observational data: new tools for causal inference
This Methods in Action session is part of a series organised by UCL's Network of Applied Statiscians in Health.