Professor Marc Esteve
I am a Professor of Public Management at the UCL School of Public Policy. I co-direct the Global Executive MPA, jointly offered by New York University and UCL. I am also a visiting professor at ESADE Business School-Ramon Llull University, where I am the Director of the ESADE Center for Public Governance. I received my PhD in Management Sciences from ESADE Business School-Ramon Llull University in 2012, and prior to joining UCL I was a visiting research fellow at Cardiff Business School (2011), and a postdoc at the ESADE Center for Public Governance. I currently serve as Editor at Local Government Studies, and I am part of the editorial board of several international journals, such as Public Administration Review, the International Public Management Journal and the Journal of Behavioural Public Administration, among others.
I am interested in how to improve the implementation of public services. More specifically, my scholarly contribution examines various aspects of collaboration, considering the individual, organisational and societal levels. Using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, my research addresses the reasons for individuals to engage in a collaboration, and how their managerial actions influence its performance. My work divides into three main themes that interrelate and feed into each other: 1 – motivation and prosocial attitudes, 2 – the management of inter-organisational collaborations, and 3 – methodological aspects of public administration research. My research has been published in scholarly journals, such as the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration Review, Public Administration, Public Management Review, the American Review of Public Administration, the International Public Management Journal, and PLOS One.
Podcast: UCL Uncovering Politics
Hear Professor Esteve speak about his research on the following podcast episodes
S7 Ep2 | How to Run Public Administration
S10 Ep10 | Improving Public Services
- Books
- Saz-Carranza, A., Federo, R. and Esteve, M. (2020) Management and Governance of Intergovernmental Organisations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Esteve, M. and Schuster, C. (2019) Motivating Public Employees. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gimeno Feliu, J. M., Tornos, J., Camp, R., Longo, F., Reig, M., Saz-Carranza, A., Losada, C., Ferez, M., Esteve, M. Rosell, J. (2019) La Governanza de los Contratos Públicos en la Colaboración Público-Privada. Barcelona: Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona.
- Book chapters
- Bel, G., Esteve, M., Garrido-Rodríguez, J. C., and Zafra-Gómez, J. L. (2023) ‘Corporatisation in Spanish Local Government: Governing the Diversity’, in van Genugten, M., Voorn, B., Andrews, R., Papenfuß, U. and Torsteinsen, H. (eds.) Corporatisation in Local Government. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ysa, T. and Esteve, M. (2012) ‘Enhancing Innovation in Public Organizations through Public–Private Partnerships’, in Greve, C. and Hodge, G., (eds.) Rethinking Public-Private Partnerships; Strategic Approaches in Turbulent Times. Routledge.
- Ysa, T. and Esteve, M. (2011) ‘Assessing Public Networks: Proposal for a New Unit of Analysis’, in van de Walle, S., (ed.) New Steering Concepts in Public Management Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management, 21, pp. 41–56. Emerald.
- Journal articles
- Lee, S. and Esteve, M. (2022) ‘What Drives the Perceived Legitimacy of Collaborative Governance? An Experimental Study’, Public Management Review, pp. 1–22.
- Bel, G. and Esteve M. (2022) ‘Resilient Managed Competition During Pandemics: Lessons from the Italian Experience’, Health Economics, Policy and Law, 17(2), pp. 220–223.
- Bel, G., Esteve, M., Garrido, J. C. and Zafra, J. L. (2022) ‘The Costs of Corporatisation: Analysing the Effects of Forms of Governance’, Public Administration, 100(2), pp 232–249.
- De La Higuera-Molina, E. J., Esteve, M., Plata-Díaz, A. M. and Zafra-Gómez, J. L. (2021) ‘The Political Hourglass: Opportunistic Behavior in Local Government Policy Decisions’, International Public Management Journal, 25(5), pp. 767–784.
- Batista-Foguet, J. M., Esteve, M. and van Witteloostuijn, A. (2021) ‘Measuring Leadership: An Assessment of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire’, PLOS ONE, 16(7).
- Reig, M., Gascó, M. and Esteve, M (2021) ‘Internal and External Transparency in Public-Private Partnerships: The Case of Barcelona’s Water Provision’, Sustainability, 13(4), pp. 1777.
- Reyes-González, J. A. and Esteve, M. (2020) ‘Key Mechanisms of the Accountability Process in Public-Private Partnerships’, Spanish Accounting Review, 23(2), pp. 210–223.
- Campion, A., Gasco, M., Mikhaylov, S. and Esteve, M. (2020) ‘Overcoming the Challenges of Collaboratively Adopting Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector’, Social Science Computer Review, 40(2), pp 462–477.
- Mele, V., Esteve, M., Lee, S., Bel, G., Capellaro, G., Petrovsky, N. and Ospina, S. (2020) ‘Enhancing Methodological Reporting in Public Administration: The Functional Equivalents Framework’, American Review of Public Administration, 50(8), pp. 811–824.
- Campion, A., Gasco, M., Mikhaylov, S. and Esteve, M. (2020) ‘Managing Artificial Intelligence Deployment in the Public Sector’, Computer, 1(53), pp 28–37.
- Awan, S., Bel, G. and Esteve, M. (2020) ‘The Benefits of PSM: An Oasis or a Mirage?’, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 30(4), pp. 619–635.
- Awan, S., Esteve, M. and van Witteloostuijn, A. (2020) ‘Talking the Talk, but Not Walking the Walk: A Comparison of Self-Reported and Observed Prosocial Behavior’, Public Administration, 98(4), pp. 995–1010.
- Kowalski, R., Esteve, M. and Mikhaylov, S. (2020) ‘Improving Public Services by Mining Citizen Feedback: An Application of Natural Language Processing’, Public Administration, 98(4), pp. 1011–1026.
- Pencheva, I., Esteve, M. and Mikhaylov, S. (2020) ‘Big Data and AI – A Transformational Shift for Government: So, What Next for Research?’, Public Policy and Administration, 35(1), pp. 24–44.
- Bel, G. and Esteve, M. (2020) ‘Is Private Production of Hospital Services Cheaper than Public Production? A Meta-Regression of Public versus Private Costs and Efficiency for Hospitals’, International Public Management Journal, 23(1): pp. 1–24.
- Mikhaylov, S., Esteve, M. and Campion, A. (2018) ‘Artificial Intelligence for the Public Sector: Opportunities and Challenges of Cross-sector Collaboration’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 376(2128).
- Losada, C. and Esteve, M. (2018) ‘Management Roles in Political and Senior Civil Servant Positions: A Multiple-Study Approach’, International Public Management Journal, 21(5), pp. 850–876.
- Ospina, S., Esteve, M. and Seulki, L. (2018) ‘Assessing Qualitative Studies in Public Management Research’, Public Administration Review, 78(4), pp. 593–605.
- Esteve, M., Schuster, C., Albareda, A. and Losada, C. (2017) ‘The Effects of Doing More with Less in Public Sectors: Empirical Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey’, Public Administration Review, 77(4), pp. 544–553.
- Dasandi, N. and Esteve, M. (2017) ‘The Politics-Bureaucracy Interface in Developing Countries’, Public Administration and Development, 37(4), pp. 231–245.
- van Witteloostuijn, A., Esteve, M. and Boyne, G. (2016) ‘Public Sector Motivation ad fonts: Personality Traits as Antecedents of Public Sector Motivation’, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 27(1), pp. 20–35.
- Provost, C. and Esteve, M. (2016) ‘Collective Action Problems in the Contracting of Public Services: Evidence from the UK’s Ministry of Justice’, Journal for Strategic Negotiation and Contracting, 2(3), pp. 227–243.
- Esteve, M., Urbig, D., van Witteloostuijn, A. and Boyne, G. (2016) ‘Prosocial Behavior and Public Service Motivation’, Public Administration Review, 76(1), pp. 177–187.
- Reig, M. and Esteve, M. (2016) ‘Managing Public-Private Partnerships’, Harvard-Deusto Business Review, 257(1), pp. 32–33.
- Esteve, M., van Witteloostuijn, A. and Boyne, G. (2015) ‘The Effects of Personality and Public Service Motivation on Collaborative Behavior: Evidence from an Experimental Design’, International Public Management Journal, 18, pp. 171–189.
- Baethge, C., Blom-Hansen. J., Bækgraad, M., Dunlop, C., Esteve, M., Jakobsen, M., Kisidia, B., Marvel, J., Moseley, A., Serritzlew, S., Steward, P., Thomsen, M. and Wolf, P. (2015) ‘Conducting Experiments in Public Management Research: A Practical Guide’, International Public Management Journal, 18, pp. 323–342.
- Andrews, R., Esteve, M. and Ysa, T. (2015) ‘Public-Private Joint-Ventures: Mixing Oil and Water?’, Public Money and Management, 33, pp. 265–272.
- Andrews, R. and Esteve, M. (2015) ‘Like Ships that Pass in the Night? The Relationship between Public and Private Management Research’, International Public Management Journal, 18, pp. 31–60.
- Ysa, T., Sierra, V. and Esteve, M. (2014) ‘Determinants of Network Outcomes: The Impact of Managerial Strategies’, Public Administration, 92, pp. 636–655.
- Esteve, M. (2014) ‘Navigating the Complexities of Collaboration’, Public Administration Review, 74, pp. 281–283.
- Esteve, M., Boyne, G., Sierra, V. and Ysa, T. (2013) ‘Organizational Collaboration in the Public Sector: Do Chief Executives Make a Difference?’, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 23, pp. 927–952.
- Esteve, M., Grau, M. and Valle, R. (2013) ‘Assessing Public Sector Values through the Tri-Axial Model: Empirical Evidence from Spain’, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 20, pp. 528–543.
- Esteve, M., Ysa T and Longo, F. (2012) ‘The Creation of Innovation through Public-Private Collaboration’, Spanish Journal of Cardiology, 65, pp. 835–842.
- Ysa. T, Gine, M. Esteve, M. and Sierra V. (2012) ‘Public Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence from the Spanish Banking Industry’, Public Money and Management, 32, pp. 265–272.
- Longo, F. and Esteve, M. (2012) ‘Assessing the Implementation of Managerial Reforms in the Government of Catalonia’, Public Money and Management, 32, pp. 453–460.
- Esteve, M., DiLorenzo, F., Inglés, E. and Puig, N. (2011) ‘Empirical Evidence of Stakeholder Management in Sports Clubs: The Impact of the Board of Directors’, European Sport Management Quarterly, 11(4), pp. 423–440.
I teach the Policy Implementation, Leadership and Organisational Behaviour, and Strategy and Organisational Change modules. I also supervise PhD students in public management, leadership, motivation, artificial intelligence, and interorganisational collaborations.