Dr Jack Blumenau
I am an Associate Professor of Political Science and Quantitative Research Methods at UCL, and I am also Programme Director for the MSc Data Science and Public Policy. I received my PhD from the Department of Government at London School of Economics in 2016. I am currently a member of the UK Cabinet Office’s Trial Advice Panel, and I was previously a Data Science Advisor to YouGov.
My research addresses questions about what voters want, how politicians act, and how these preferences and behaviours interact to affect electoral outcomes and political representation in democratic systems. In my research, I employ creative research designs in which I develop and apply state-of-the-art quantitative methods to answer important questions in the fields of legislative politics, electoral politics, and public opinion.
- Journal articles
- Hargrave, L. and Blumenau, J. (2022) ‘No Longer Conforming to Stereotypes? Gender, Political Style and Parliamentary Debate in the UK’, British Journal of Political Science, 52(4), pp. 1584–1601.
- Blumenau, J. and Lauderdale, B. (2022) ‘The Variable Persuasiveness of Political Rhetoric’, American Journal of Political Science.
- Blumenau, J., Lauderdale, B. and Barnes, L. (2021) ‘Measuring Attitudes towards Public Spending using a Multivariate Tax Summary Experiment’, American Journal of Political Science, 66(1), pp. 205–221.
- Blumenau, J., Lauderdale, B., Bailey, D. and Rivers, D. (2020) ‘Model-Based Pre-Election Polling for National and Sub-National Outcomes in the US and UK’, International Journal of Forecasting, 36(2), pp. 399–413.
- Blumenau, J. (2020) ‘Online Activism and Dyadic Representation: Evidence from the UK E‐Petition System’, Legislative Studies Quarterly, 46(4), pp. 899–920.
- Blumenau, J. (2019) ‘The Effects of Female Leadership on Women’s Voice in Political Debate’, British Journal of Political Science, 51(2), pp. 750–771.
- Blumenau, J. and Lauderdale, B. (2018) ‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Agenda Setting and Legislative Voting in Response to the EU Crisis’, Journal of Politics, 80(2).
- Blumenau, J., Eggers, A. C., Hangartner, D. and Hix, S. (2017) ‘Open/Closed List and Party Choice: Experimental Evidence from the UK’, British Journal of Political Science, 47(4), pp. 809–827.
- Book chapters
- Blumenau, J. and Damiani, R. (2021) ‘The United Kingdom: The (Increasing) Discretion of MPs in Parliamentary Debate’, in H. Bäck, M. Debus and J. Fernandes (eds.) The Politics of Legislative Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
At UCL I have taught a series of quantitative methods modules to our (excellent) undergraduate and postgraduate students. This includes ‘Introduction to Quantitative Methods’, ‘Causal Inference’ and ‘Quantitative Text Analysis for Social Science'. This year I will also be teaching a module entitled ‘Political Representation’.
I am also Programme Director for the MSc Data Science and Public Policy, which is a joint degree programme delivered between the UCL Departments of Political Science and Economics. Finally, I supervise PhD students working in the areas of political behaviour and quantitative methods.