Documentary: Hachalu Hundessa and the Oromo question in Ethiopia.
06 June 2023, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm

Screening of “A Spear Through the Heart” and panel discussion on the Oromo question through the life of Hachalu Hundessa.
This event is free.
Event Information
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Kristin Bakke
Harrie Massey Lecture Theatre25 Gordon StreetLondonWC1H 0AY
Screening of “A Spear Through the Heart” and panel discussion shed light on the Oromo question through the life of legendary singer, songwriter, and activist Hachalu Hundessa.
This event will feature a screening of the 2022 documentary "A Spear Through the Heart", about singer, songwriter, and activist Hachalu Hundessa. His songs inspired the Oromo peoples and became the soundtrack to the 2014-2016 Oromo protests against the Ethiopian regime. Hachalu Hundessa was assassinated in 2020.
The documentary tells the story of his life and how his songs captured the grievances and aspirations at the heart of the Oromo peoples’ quest for self-determination. It is a film about the Oromo question, but it also speaks more generally to questions about state repression, political violence, and the role of music in political mobilisation.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Ms. Fantu Demisse (Hundessa’s widow and Chairwomen of the Board of Hachalu Hundessa Foundation), Dr. Awol Allo (Senior Lecturer at Keele University and executive producer of the documentary), and Mr. Bruno Sorrentino (the documentary’s director and editor).
The event will be chaired by Dr. Luis Schenoni and Prof. Kristin M. Bakke from the Department of Political Science at University College London.
Watch the trailer
Accessibility information
Harry Massey Lecture Theatre (AccessAble)
Wheelchair friendly directions (UCL maps)
Please note that the screening will not be subtitled.
This event is co-organised by UCL and Keele University.