
Department of Political Science


Walking the talk: How can the development sector become more equitable?

19 November 2020, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm


We will measure and track the multiple dimensions of equity in the internal and external workings of UK development organisations to influence meaningful change in their policies, practices, and partnerships.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Abi Turner

The Equity Index is a UK social enterprise advocating for greater equity across the international development sector. We will measure and track the multiple dimensions of equity in the internal and external workings of UK development organisations to influence meaningful change in their policies, practices, and partnerships. This includes racial and gender equity, equity in knowledge production, in funding, in collaborations and more. We are an anti-racist and feminist organisation that supports the broader decolonising development and Shift the Power movements.



Lorriann Robinson is the founder and Director of The Advocacy Team, a consultancy practice providing policy, advocacy & campaigning services to international organisations. She is the co-founding partner of and advocacy lead for The Equity Index. 

Alex Martins is an independent researcher, facilitator and advocate passionate about creating a more equitable international development sector. She is the co-founder and research lead for The Equity Index. 

ChairProfessor Jennifer Hudson

Further information

  • Participation is free but we kindly ask that you register using the link provided.
  • Chat will be disabled for attendees, but if you have a question for the panel, please submit it into the Q&A feature of the webinar. 
  • In the second half of the event, we will select as many questions as possible within the time. You will be given the option to unmute yourself to ask the question. 
  • Attendees will not be able to turn their camera on.
  • The twitter hashtag for this event is: #POLICYANDPRACTICE and you can follow us @uclspp 
  • This webinar will be recorded and made available on our website, Vimeo, and SoundCloud page

Other events in this series