Europlanet NA1 Workshop Programme: Uniting Planetary Modelling and Data Analysis - Part 2
The workshop programme can be viewed for each of the dates below, or can be downloaded in PDF format here:
- Sunday 21 July
19:00 WELCOME RECEPTION - Terrace outside conference room - Monday 22 July
09:00-09:30 REGISTRATION / COFFEE 09:30-09:45 Achilleos / Sergis Welcome / Announcements 09:45-10:40
(45+10)Krimigis KEYNOTE: Voyagers 1 & 2 in the Near-Interstellar Medium 10:40-11:15
(30+5)Achilleos Modelling the magnetopause boundary 11:15-11:45 COFFEE 11:45-12:25
(35+5)Ray A holistic approach to modelling Jupiter’s MIT coupled system 12:25-13:05
(35+5)Martin A polar wind model at Jupiter 13:05-14:20 LUNCH 14:20-15:00
(35+5)Bader What Saturn's aurora can tell us about magnetospheric dynamics 15:00-15:40
(35+5)Stallard Ground-based observations of the ionospheres of the Gas Giants 15:40-16:10 COFFEE 16:10 Group photo - Tuesday 23 July
09:30-09:45 Achilleos/Sergis Coffee / Announcements 09:45-10:25
(35+5)Dunn Auroral X-Ray Emissions 10:25-11:05
(35+5)Achilleos Aspects of Particle Motion in Disc-Like Fields 11:05-11:35 COFFEE 11:35-12:20
Dunn 'Walk Through' of X-Ray Data Analysis 12:20-13:05
Achilleos Particle Tracing Lab 1 13:05-14:20 LUNCH FREE AFTERNOON 19:00 WORKSHOP DINNER - Wednesday 24 July
10:00-10:15 Achilleos/Sergis Coffee / Announcements 10:15-10:55
All Q&A with Tom Krimigis 10:55-11:35
(35+5)Balasis Ionospheric response to solar and interplanetary disturbances: A Swarm perspective 11:35-12:05 COFFEE 12:05-13:05
Giannakis Lab Session: Conversion of Rosetta SREM V0 cdf data to PDS archive format 13:05-14:20
LUNCH 14:20-15:30 Achilleos Particle Tracing Lab 2 FREE AFTERNOON - Thursday 25 July
09:30-09:45 Achilleos/Sergis Coffee / Announcements 09:45-10:15
(20+10)Moutsouroufi A Magnetospheric Stress Index: Construction and application to the Kronian magnetosphere using long-term Cassini measurements (progress report) 10:15-10:45
(20+10)Sklavenitis Statistical properties of the magnetic field in the Kronian magnetosphere and influence of the solar wind pressure (progress report) 10:45-11:15 COFFEE 11:15-13:00
All Closing Discussions - Future of this workshop, progress / awareness of planetary modelling repositories, etc 13:00-14:20 LUNCH WORKSHOP CLOSE