APEX online this week: Space Policy
27 October 2022, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

APEX continues online this week with a double-bill on the issues of space policy with Professor Serge Plattard (UCL) and Mukesh Bhatt (Birkbeck).
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Prof Ian Crawford / Dr Joanna Fabbrijoanna.fabbri@ucl.ac.uk
The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) seminar on Thursday 27 October at 13:00 will feature two talks related to space policy issues:
- Prof Serge Plattard (UCL): Best practices and guidelines addressing celestial bodies' science-based stewardship
- Mukesh Bhatt (BBK): ISRU and living matter: A national space resources legislating perspective
The talks this week will be hosted online and joining details will be circulated one or two days before the event. Please contact Joanna Fabbri if you are not on our regular mailing lists and wish to attend the meetings.
Please note that some of these meetings (but not this Thursday's) will be held in a hybrid mode, with in-person attendance possible in the Harrie Massey lecture theatre at UCL -- details will be advertised in advance.
As always, everyone interested is welcome to attend.
Other events in this series