APEX this week with Dr Ingo Waldmann: Dreaming of atmospheres
26 October 2017, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Garwood Lecture Theatre, first floor of the UCL South Wing
This week's Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) seminar features a talk by:
Dr Ingo Waldmann (UCL, Physics and Astronomy): Dreaming of atmospheres
The field of exoplanetary spectroscopy is as fast moving as it is new. Analysing currently available observations of exoplanetary atmospheres often invoke large and correlated parameter spaces that can be difficult to map or constrain. This is true for both: the data analysis of observations as well as the theoretical modelling of their atmospheres. Modelling both sets of correlations in data and modelling is key to understanding the nature of exoplanet atmospheres. In this seminar I will discuss how these improvements in machine learning can be applied to exoplanetary spectroscopy to solve some of said correlations in the parameter space. By designing deep neural networks, we can significantly speed up data analysis and interpretation and allow our current models to 'learn from experience'. Such AI driven systems will help to resolve model correlations, and allow us to build fully autonomous models. Finally, I will present a new deep neural network architecture, specifically designed to learn and classify data from the Cassini-VIMS instrument. This neural network takes both spectral and spatial distributions of surface or cloud compositions and can be shown to significantly out-perform traditional labelling techniques.
The full APEX programme for this term is now available at:
As usual, everyone interested in these topics is welcome to attend.