
The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL / Birkbeck


ASB6 - A Public Talk by Professor Lynn Rothschild: The Search for Life in the Universe

03 September 2015, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm

Professor Lynn Rothschild

This event is free.

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Joanna Fabbri

As part of the Astrobiological Society of Britain's 6th biennial conference - ASB6: The Origin, Distribution & Detection of Life in the Universe - a public talk will be given by NASA's Professor Lynn Rothschild on the evening of Thursday 3 September:


"The Search for Life in the Universe"

Each recent report of liquid water existing elsewhere in the solar system has reverberated through the international press and excited the imagination of humankind.  Why?  Because in the last few decades we have come to realize that where there is liquid water on Earth, virtually no matter what the physical conditions, there is life.  What we previously thought of as insurmountable physical and chemical barriers to life, we now see as yet another niche harboring "extremophiles".  This realization, coupled with new data on the prevalence of potential abodes for life in our solar system and beyond, the survival of microbes in the space environment, modeling of the potential for transfer of life between celestial bodies, and advances in synthetic biology suggests that life could be more common than previously thought.  With these data mounting, are we truly "alone"?

Attendance to the Public Talk is free and open to all but registration is necessary as places are limited. Please register for this event via the ASB6 public lecture Eventbrite page. nb. ASB6 conference delegates do not need to register for the public talk.

ASB6 is hosted this year at UCL by the Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck. You can register for the conference at the ASB6 website.