
The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL / Birkbeck


A Martian volcano and the ESA 2018 ExoMars rover landing site

16 October 2014, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

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Garwood Lecture Theatre, first floor of the UCL South Wing

 The APEX Meeting Programme resumes for the 2014/15 year with two Mars-focused talks.

Peter Fawdon (PhD Student, The Open University) will present on "Syrtis Major Planum: The anatomy of a Martian highland volcano". 

Dr Peter Grindrod (Lecturer in Planetary Science, Birkbeck) will then follow with his talk: "Selecting the landing site for the ESA 2018 ExoMars rover"

All welcome, no need to book.

>> Full APEX Meeting Programme