
Institute for the Physics of Living Systems


IPLS Meet-Up March 2017

08 March 2017, 2:30 pm

Event Information

Open to



UCL MRC Building, Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, Seminar Room (2nd Floor)

The Meet-ups are a great opportunity to learn about the newest research going on in areas of biological physics at UCL and meet others who might be interested in similar topics.  These are informal events where students, postdocs and occasionally new lecturers working on a biological physics related project share their work and ideas over an afternoon. Coffee break will take place half way between the talks and a reception with drinks and snacks is provided after the talks in the LMCB common room. 


14:30-14:50 Gabriel Galea - Copp Lab

Cellular biomechanics of mammalian neural tube closure

14:50-15:10 Binh-An Truong Quang - Paluch Lab

Nanoscale architecture of the actomycin cortex during cell division

15:10-15:30 Sian Culley - Henriques Lab

Achieving live-cell super-resolution…?

15:30-16.00 Coffee Break

16:00-16.20 Nargess Khalilgharibi - Charras Lab

Active or Passive: The mechanical response of cell monolayers to external stress

16:20-16:40 Laura Blackie - Pichaud Lab

Orchestrated patterning of a group of cells: the fly ommatidium as a case study

16:40-17.00 Gautam Dey - Baum Lab

Membrane dynamics during closed mitosis in fission yeast

17.00-18:00  Drinks Reception