IPLS Seminar: Dr. Kaoru Sugimura (University of Tokyo)
11 September 2023, 11:00 am–12:00 pm

Title: Dissecting molecular and physical mechanisms underlying cell rearrangement
Event Information
Open to
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Guillaume Charras
2nd Floor Seminar Room (2.30), LMCBMRC BuildingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
Abstract: Epithelial morphogenesis involves changes in cell positions through the remodeling of cell contact surfaces. This process of cell rearrangement plays a pivotal role in shaping tissues and developing their multi-cellular patterns. We have been investigating the molecular and physical basis of cell rearrangement by combining imaging, physical modeling, and mathematical statistics. In this presentation, I will discuss our recent studies regarding the mechanism underlying the exchange of junctions during cell rearrangement [1] and the development of an image-based parameter inference for epithelial mechanics [2]. Lastly, if time permits, I will talk about our ongoing research on the regulation of cell division patterns in the Drosophila wing.
[1] Ikawa et al. Current Biology 33: 263-275.E4 (2023).
[2] Ogita et al. PLoS Computational Biology 18: e1010209 (2022).
Host: Guillaume Charras
About the Speaker
Dr. Kaoru Sugimura
at University of Tokyo
More about Dr. Kaoru Sugimura