"Biological physics across scales" Meet-Up
14 March 2018, 2:30 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
University College London MRC LMCB, MRC Building, Room 2.30 (2nd Floor Seminar Room)
The IPLS Meet-ups are regular afternoon meetings where students and postdocs working at the interface of physics and biology at UCL and neighbouring institutions present their work. They are a great opportunity to learn about the newest research at the interface of biology and physics, chemistry, mathematics and engineering, and meet other researchers interested in similar topics. The talks are followed by an informal drinks reception to promote interdisciplinary networking.
This Meet-up is part of the Biophysics Week, organised by the Biophysical Society.
14.30 Ewa Paluch and Guillaume Charras
'Physics in Biology: where we are at and where it is going'
14.50 David Albrecht - Mercer Lab
'Blebs as a minimal model system to study poxvirus-host interactions'
15.10 Romain Laine - Henriques Lab
'MiLeSIM: a high-throughput assay for viral biotechnology using super- resolution microscopy and machine learning algorithm'
15.30 Coffee Break
16.00 Loris Rizzello - Battaglia Lab
'Targeting mononuclear phagocytes for eradicating intracellular parasites'
16.20 Ricardo Barrientos - Mao Lab
'Contribution of differential extra-cellular matrix mechanics to tissue morphogenesis'
16:40 Ana Lisica - Charras Lab
'The effects of tissue strain on epithelial cell divisions'
17:00 Drinks Reception (Coffee Room)