- Dr Filipe Abdalla Reader in Astrophysics
- Prof Nick Achilleos Professor of Planetary Physics
- Dr Alberto Alonso Research Associate
- Dr Sohail Amjad Research Associate
- Ms Tecla Arcidiacono Marie Curie Trainee
- Dr Daven Armoogum Senior Teaching Fellow
- Dr Anasuya Aruliah Senior Lecturer
- Prof Alan Aylward Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Physics
- Dr Bruno Azevedo Lemos Moraes Research Associate
- Dr Christopher Backhouse Royal Society University Research Fellow
- Dr Hadi Baghsiahi Research Associate
- Dr Elinor Bailey Senior Teaching Fellow
- Dr Angus Bain Reader in Physics
- Dr Shiladitya Banerjee IPLS Strategic Fellowships (Junior Group Leaders in Theoretical Physics Applied to Student Type)
- Prof Peter Barker Professor in Physics
- Prof Michael Barlow Professor of Astrophysics
- Dr Jonathan Barrett Honorary Senior Research Associate
- Dr Paul Bartlett Principal Teaching Fellow
- Miss Anastasia Basharina-Freshville Research Associate
- Dr Abolfazl Bayat Research Associate
- Dr Andrew Bell Research Associate
- Dr Antonia Bevan Research Associate
- Dr Jasvir Bhamrah Teaching Fellow
- Dr Thomas Blacker Research Associate
- Prof Jochen Blumberger Professor of Chemical Physics
- Prof Sougato Bose Professor of Physics
- Ms Sarah Bosman Research Associate
- Prof David Bowler Professor of Physics
- Mr Stephen Boyle Teaching Fellow
- Mr Jonathan Braden Research Associate
- Prof Steven Bramwell Professor of Physics and Astronomy
- Dr Simon Brawley Research Associate
- Dr David Brooks Experimental Officer
- Dr Daniel Brown
- Prof Dan Browne Professor of Physics
- Prof Frederick Bullock Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Dr Karen Bultitude Principal Research Associate
- Dr Adam Burnley Honorary Research Associate
- Prof Jonathan Butterworth Professor of Physics
- Prof Franco Cacialli Professor of Physics
- Dr Mario Campanelli Reader in Physics
- Dr Joan Camps Barjau Research Fellow
- Mr Giuseppe Carnicella Marie Curie Trainee
- Dr Isabella Carucci Research Associate in Cosmology / Radio Astronomy
- Dr Michele Cascella Senior Research Associate
- Dr David Cassidy Reader in Physics
- Dr John Cesar Research Associate
- Miss Rebecca Chislett Research Associate
- Prof Ronald Cohen Honorary Professor
- Mr David Cooke Research Associate
- Dr Bridgette Cooper Senior Research Fellow
- Dr Louie Corpe Research Associate
- Dr Jon Cottom Research Assistant
- Dr Stephen Cox Visiting Professor
- Dr Ian Crawford Honorary Senior Research Associate
- Dr Linda Cremonesi Research Associate
- Mr Galbadrakh Dagvadorj Research Associate
- Dr Louise Dash Senior Teaching Fellow
- Prof Donald Davis Emeritus Professor in Physics
- Dr Ilse De Looze Research Associate
- Dr Jennifer DeWitt Senior Research Associate
- Dr John Deacon Research Fellow
- Dr Adam Deller Research Associate
- Dr Frank Deppisch Reader of Physics
- Dr Francisco Diego Quintana Senior Teaching Fellow
- Dr Jim Dobson Research Associate
- Prof Peter Doel Professor of Astronomical Instrumentation
- Prof Michael Duff Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Prof Dorothy Duffy Professor of Physics
- Dr Michael Dworetsky
- Dr Jo Barstow Eberhardt Research Fellow
- Prof Richard Ellis Professor of Astrophysics
- Dr Agapi Emmanouilidou Reader in Physics
- Dr Mike Esten Emeritus Reader in Physics
- Dr Joanna Fabbri Research Associate
- Dr Gabriel Facini Senior Reasearch Fellow
- Dr Jay Farihi Reader in Astrophysics
- Dr Danielle Marie Fenech Research Associate
- Dr Felix Fernandez-Alonso Visiting Professor
- Dr Agnes Ferte Research Associate
- Dr Carla Figueira De Morisson Faria Reader in Physics
- Prof John Finney Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Prof Andrew Fisher Professor of Physics
- Dr Robert Flack Principal Research Associate
- Dr Andreu Font Ribera Senior Research Fellow
- Prof Ian Ford Professor of Physics
- Dr Stephen Fossey Senior Research Fellow
- Dr Terry Fountain Emeritus Reader in Applied Physics
- Dr Zdenek Futera Research Associate
- Dr Stefano Germani Research Associate
- Dr Chamkaur Ghag Reader in Physics
- Dr Soumya Ghosh Research Associate
- Prof Michael Gillan Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Dr Bill Glencross Emeritus Reader In Astronomy
- Dr Satya Gontcho A Gontcho Research Associate
- Dr Thomas Greve Lecturer
- Prof Ceiri Griffith Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Dr Zara Grout Research Associate
- Dr Jim Grozier Honorary Research Associate
- Mr Davide Gualdi Research Assistant
- Dr Patrick Guio Senior Research Associate
- Mr Christian Gutschow Research Associate
- Prof Lauri Halonen
- Dr Keith Hamilton Reader in Physics
- Prof Anthony Harker Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Dr Anthony Hartin Research Associate on AWAKE Applications
- Dr William Hartley Research Associate
- Dr Michael Hayns Visiting Professor
- Dr Gavin Hesketh Lecturer
- Prof Stephen Hogan Professor of Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Dr Jonathan Holdship Research Associate
- Dr Anna Holin Research Associate
- Prof Bart Hoogenboom Professor of Biophysics
- Dr Chris Howard Lecturer
- Prof Ian Howarth Professor of Astronomy
- Miss Joanna Huang Marie Curie Trainee
- Prof John Humberston Emeritus Reader In Physics
- Dr Benjamin Joachimi Lecturer
- Dr Simon Jolly Lecturer
- Prof Philip Jones Professor of Physics
- Prof Tegid Jones Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Dr Koki Kakiichi Research Associate
- Prof George Kalmus Visiting Professor
- Mr Laurent Kelleter Marie Curie Trainee
- Dr Florian Kirchschlager Research Associate
- Prof Nikolaos Konstantinidis Professor of Physics
- Dr Andreas Korn Reader in Physics
- Mr Fabian Krause Research Assistant
- Mr Johannes Krausser Research Assistant
- Prof Andrey Kravtsov Visiting Professor
- Dr Alec Lagrow Research Associate
- Prof Ofer Lahav Perren Chair Of Astronomy
- Prof Mark Lancaster Professor of Physics
- Dr Nicolas Laporte Research Associate
- Prof Gaetana Laricchia Professor of Physics
- Dr Tung Le Senior Research Associate
- Dr Ciaran Lee Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Dr Katharine Leney Research Associate
- Dr Lia Li Research Fellow
- Prof Mario Livio Honorary Professor
- Dr Isabel Llorente Garcia Lecturer
- Dr Laura Manenti Research Assistant
- Mr Barry Mant Research Associate
- Dr Luca Marmugi Research Associate
- Prof Brian Martin Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Dr Alex Martyniuk Research Associate
- Dr Lluis Masanes Senior Research Fellow
- Dr Themistoklis Mavrogordatos Research Associate
- Mr Julian Mayers Research Assistant in the Dark Energy Survey
- Prof Keith Alistair McEwen Emeritus Professor
- Dr Laura McKemmish Research Associate
- Mr Michael McLeod Research Assistant
- Dr Ian McWhirter Honorary Research Associate
- Prof Angelos Michaelides Professor of Theoretical Chemistry
- Prof David Miller Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Mr Alessandro Minotto Research Associate
- Prof Tania Monteiro Professor of Physics
- Prof David Moores Emeritus Reader in Physics
- Mr David Mora Fonz Research Associate
- Dr Stefanos Mourdikoudis Research Associate
- Prof Roy Newell Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Prof Thanh Nguyen Professor of Nanomaterials
- Prof Ryan Nichol Professor of Physics
- Dr Nick Nicolaou Senior Teaching Fellow
- Dr Emily Nurse Reader in Physics
- Dr Alexandra Olaya-Castro Reader in Physics
- Prof Jonathan Oppenheim Professor of Physics
- Ms Antonella Palmese Research Assistant
- Dr Anna Pappa Marie Sklodowska- Curie Fellow
- Miss Cheryl Patrick Research Associate
- Dr Gillian Peach Emeritus Reader in Physics
- Prof Hiranya Peiris Professor of Astrophysics
- Dr Oleg Polyansky Senior Research Associate
- Dr Antonio Pontin Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow
- Dr Andrew Pontzen Reader in Cosmology
- Prof Raman Prinja Professor of Astrophysics
- Mr Cip Pruteanu Research Fellow
- Dr Paulo Radaelli Visiting Professor
- Dr Anis Rahman Research Associate
- Mr Alexandros Rapidis Marie Curie Trainee
- Prof Jonathan Rawlings Professor of Astrophysics
- Prof Ferruccio Renzoni Professor of Physics
- Dr Marzia Rivi Research Associate
- Prof Ruben Saakyan Professor of Physics
- Dr Amelie Saintonge Reader in Extragalactic Astrophysics
- Dr Andela Saric IPLS Strategic Fellowships (Junior Group Leaders in Theoretical Physics applied to Biology)
- Dr Giorgio Savini Reader in Infared Instrumentation
- Dr Tim Scanlon Lecturer
- Dr Alessio Serafini Reader in Physics and Astronomy
- Dr Peter Sherwood Principal Research Fellow III
- Prof Alexander Shluger Professor of Physics
- Prof Neal Skipper Professor of Physics
- Dr Anze Slosar Honorary Professor
- Dr Tony Smith Emeritus Reader in Physics
- Dr William Somerville Honorary Senior Lecturer
- Prof Alan Soper Visiting Professor
- Prof Peter Storey Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Dr Marzena Szymanska Reader in Physics
- Prof Jonathan Tennyson Professor of Physics
- Dr Marcell Tessenyi Senior Research Associate
- Prof Jennifer Thomas Professor of Physics
- Prof Robert Thorne Professor of Physics
- Professor Giovanna Tinetti Professor of Astrophysics
- Dr David Tovee Emeritus Reader in Physics
- Mr Angelos Tsiaras Research Associate
- Miss Michela Venturelli Research Assistant
- Dr Arnau Vila Casanovas Research Associate
- Prof Serena Viti Professor of Astrophysics
- Dr Ingo Waldmann Research Associate
- Dr David Robert Wardrope Research Associate
- Prof David Waters Professor of Physics
- Dr Ben Waugh Department Computing Manager & IT Coordinator
- Dr Roger Wesson Research Associate
- Dr Lee Whittaker Research Associate in Cosmology / Radio Astronomy
- Prof Colin Wilkin Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Prof David Williams Emeritus Perren Professor of Astronomy
- Prof Allan Willis Emeritus Professor of Astronomy
- Prof Matthew Wing Professor of Physics
- Dr Jeremy Yates Senior Research Associate
- Dr Sergey Yurchenko Reader in Physics
- Mr Alejandro Zamora Soto Research Associate
- Dr Andrea Zen Research Associate
- Dr Stan Zochowski Senior Lecturer
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
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- Cadiou, C., Pontzen, A., Peiris, H.V. (2021). Angular momentum evolution can be predicted from cosmological initial conditions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab440
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