
UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy


Kyle Page

I chose UCL because of its reputation and location within central London, as well as its world class facilities it has to offer ... I can’t wait to use them

Kyle Page

1 November 2022

MSci Physics, 1st Year

I chose UCL because of its reputation and location within central London, as well as its world class facilities it has to offer, such as the observatory in Mill Hill (I can’t wait until next term when we get to properly use this in labs).

Starting at UCL was a jarring experience, as I come from Cornwall.  Everything just felt so close in comparison and easy to get to (not to find though). However, the public transport is so good, getting from point to point is effortless and quick. My first lectures were a nice introduction to course structure and material; it felt like it starts at a good pace and doesn’t throw you in at the deep end straight away, but instead slowly ramps up as the term progresses. Problem Solving tutorials are also a nice addition to the teaching of the material, as this is much like normal classroom learning. This enables you to talk to someone in your peer group, or one of the postgrad tutors and get a different perspective on a problem you’re stuck on.