Enabling Drug Discovery through external collaborations
01 March 2014–31 December 2014, 12:00 am–12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
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Dr Keith Spencer from the Wellcome Trust will be visiting the UCL School of Pharmacy on Monday 10th March 2014, 10am - 12 noon (Room M1). He will give a short presentation on research funding opportunities with the Wellcome Trust (e.g. the Seeding Drug Discovery initiative) followed by an open question and answer session and 1-2-1 meetings if there is interest.
This visit follows on from successful visits by the MRCT (April 2013) and Argenta (Aug 2013). We will also explore the possibility of inviting a representative
from CRUK to take us through their funding
options (e.g. Drug Discovery Project Grants, Career Establishment Awards etc).
These activities will be scheduled for early 2014.
Contact: Prof Paul Fish