School of Pharmacy Library
Frequently asked questions
- Visting and using the Library - what are the opening hours and what study spaces are available?
The Library has 59 study spaces and a bookable study booth. For space availability and opening times click here.
If you are a not a current UCL student or member of staff then please see our membership pages on details of how to use any of our libraries
- How can I see what material the Library holds?
To search the Library collection use Explore - you can then filter to limit your results to School of Pharmacy Library. The Library also has an archive that is not currently catalogued - to see if the Library has the material you are looking for please contact us
- What support does the Library offer?
The Library can offer support for teaching and research please contact us to find out more. If you are a student and want support with assignments see our subject guide or book an appointment with our librarian.
- How can I request material that is not available?
If you are a School of Pharmacy staff member or student then you can request items not available at UCL through our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. Other UCL staff and student should see our Interlending and Document Supply webpage.
Delivery speeds will vary depending on availability and the material type. Electronic book chapters and journal articles will be emailed directly to the requestor. If you need to renew an item please contact at least 3 days before the item is due for return. Some items may not be renewable and some may be reference only. All costs incurred on items lost or damaged whilst on loan will be passed on to the signatory of the form.
Students can also request items are purchased using our suggest a purchase request. Academic and staff members please get in touch by emailing