Find out how PEARL can support the work of researchers with projects, contracts, visits and more.
Research Projects
We can work with you to create a research project in which your experimental questions can be investigated. Depending on the nature of the questions, these could be developed by you, by us, or in combination as part of the project. This could be funded by a UK Research Council or other funding agency, or by your own organisation. Where appropriate, these projects could be combined with Doctoral or Masters study.
Research Contracts
Researchers from non-university organisations can contract PEARL to run experiments on their behalf, contributing to the specification and design of the experiments to suit their needs. The data, could be analysed by our team, or made available to the researcher for analysis in their home organisation.
Research Visits
Researchers from organisations outside PEARL can carry out experiments during the course of a visit to PEARL, in which they design and run the experiments with our technical and research staff and analyse the data afterwards, either in PEARL or their home institution.
Remote Control & Observation
We are currently researching techniques to improve remote observations of experiments, so that researchers based overseas can observe them whilst in operation. We are also investigating the possibilities of remote live interaction, so that researchers outside PEARL can access and control the experiments while they are in progress.
Researching for You
Our researchers are committed to understanding your needs so that we can focus our research projects to respond to those needs.
Types of Research Projects
See our Projects page to discover some examples of our work.