Research StudentEmail: Principal Supervisor: Ad Neeleman Subsidary Supervisor: Klaus Abels |
Research Interests
DP syntax, and particularly prepositional and adjectival modifiers of nouns; linearity and adjacency constraints; ordering restrictions.
Belk, Zoë. (2012) PP-Peripherality and Ambiguity in the Noun Phrase. MRes dissertation, UCL
Belk, Zoë. (2011) The Problem with Adjectives: Why the Quick Red Fox Doesn’t Jump Over the Brown Lazy Dog. BA dissertation, McGill University, Montreal
Belk, Zoë. (2014) The Paradox of the Heavy Drinker. Upgrade report. UCL, London.
Belk, Zoë. (2013) "The Paradox of the Heavy Drinker." UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 25: 102–111.
Belk, Zoë. (2014) "The Paradox of the Heavy
Drinker: An LF Approach to Verbal Bracketing Paradoxes." Talk presented at
UCL's Linguistics PhD Day conference, UCL, London.
Belk, Zoë. (2013) "AP-Adjacency and Ambiguity in the Noun
Phrase." Poster presented at UCL's Postgraduate Peer Group annual
conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor.
January-May 2014: Teaching Assistant, Intermediate Generative Grammar B
October 2013-May 2014: Lecturer and Teaching Assistant, Core Issues in Linguistics
January-May 2013, 2014: Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology B
January-May 2013: Teaching Assistant and Guest Lecturer, Psycholinguistics: Stages in Normal Language Development
October-December 2013: Teaching Assistant, Animal Communication and Human Language
October-December 2013: Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics A
Other Responsibilities
September 2013-September 2014: Member, PaLS Postgraduate Peer Group Executive
September 2013-present: Organizer, UCL Syntax Reading Group
2013: Local organizer, Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain
2013: Member of Scientific Committee, 1st UCL Graduate Conference in Linguistics
June 2012-present: Member, PaLS Academic Careers Development Committee/Athena SWAN committee
2012-2013: Editor, UCL Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 24
2012-2013: Member, Green Impact Team, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
2011-2012: Student Academic Representative (MRes Linguistics) to Student Staff Consultative Committee