Hill, J., Schlottmann, A., Ellefson, M.R., Taber, K.S., Tse, V.W.S., & Yung. T.S.W. (2014, in press). Early understanding of intensive properties of matter: Developmental and cultural differences. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Quebec City, Canada. Schlottmann, A., Cole, K., Watts, R., White, M. (2013) Domain-Specific Perceptual Causality in Children Depends on the Spatio-Temporal Configuration, Not Motion Onset. Frontiers in Cognitive Science, Special Research Topic on Time and Causality (M.Bühner, Ed.) Schlottmann, A., Ray, E., & Surian, S. (2012) Emerging perception of causality in action-and-reaction sequences from 4 to 6 months of age: Is it domain-specific? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 112(2), 208-230 Dhami, M. K., Schlottmann, A., Waldmann, M. R., Shanteau, J., Wallsten, T. S., Fischhoff, B., Irvin, I. P., Weller, J. A., Bossard, E. A., Reyna, V. F., Baron, J., Hogarth, R. M., Klayman, J., Birnbaum, M. H. (2011) Judgement and decision-making as a skill: Learning, development, evolution . Dhami, Schlottmann, Waldmann (Eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Schlottmann, A., Harman, R.M. & Paine, J. (2012). Averaging and adding in children's worth judgements . Invited paper for Psicologica. Special Issue on Functional Measurement, 33, 495-513. Schlottmann, A., Bertin, E., Pollick, F., Haerri, U., Piwek, L, & Wilkening, F. Do 6-months-olds see point-light, biological motion as animate? . (2011, unpublished working paper). Schlottmann, A. & Wilkening, F (2011). Judgment and decision-making in young children. In MK Dhami, A Schlottmann & MR Waldmann (Eds.) Judgement and Decision-making as a skill: Learning, Development, Evolution, (pp 55-83). Cambridge University Press. Bayless, S. & Schlottmann, A. (2010). Skill-related uncertainty and expected value in 7-year-olds. Psicologica. Special Issue on Functional Measurement, 31:677-687. Congiu S, Schlottman A, Ray, E (2010). Unimpaired perception of causality, but impaired perception of animacy in high-functioning children with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(1), 39-53. Ali, N., Schlottmann, A., Shaw, A., Chater, N., & Oaksford, M. (2010). Causal discounting and conditional reasoning in children . In N. Chater & M. Oaksford (Eds). Cognition and Conditionals: Probablity and Logic in Human Thought (pp 117-134). Oxford: Oxford University Press Schlottmann, A. & Ray, E. (2010). Goal attribution to schematic animals: Do 6-months-olds perceive biological motion as animate ? Developmental Science, 13(1), 1-10. Schlottmann, A., Surian, L. & Ray, E. (2009). Causal perception of action-and-reaction sequences in 8- to 10-months-old infants . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 103(1), 87-107. Ray, E. & Schlottmann, A. (2007). The Perception of Social and Mechanical Causality in Young Children with Autism . Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 1(3), 266-280. Schlottmann, A. & Anderson, N.H. (2007). Belief learning and revision studied with Information Integration Theory. Invited paper for Teorie & Modelli, Special Issue on Applications of Functional Measurement in Psychology, 12 (1-2), 63-76. Schlottmann, A., Ray, E., Mitchell, A. & Demetriou, N. (2006). Perceived social and physical causality in animated motions: Spontaneous reports and ratings. Invited paper for Acta Psychologica: Special Issue on the Heritage of Michotte in Perception and Cognition Research, 123 (1/2), 112-143. Schlottmann, A., Ray, E. & Cownie, J. (2006). 6.5-months-olds' perception of goal-directed, animated motion. Proceedings of the XXVIII Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, p738f. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Anderson, N.H. & Schlottmann, A. (2006). Two paradigms for serial belief integration . (Unpublished working paper) Schlottmann, A. & Tring, J. (2005). How children reason about gains and losses: Framing effects in judgment and choice . Invited paper for Swiss Journal of Psychology, Special Issue on Scientific Reasoning, 64(3), 153-171. Schlottmann, A. & Ray, E. (2004). Perceptual causality: From adults to infants. In A.M. Oiveira, M. Texeira, G.F.Borges & M.J.Ferro (Eds.) Fechner Day 2004, Proceedings of the XX Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics. (p133-138) Coimbra, Portugal: International Society for Psychophysics. Schlottmann, A, Allen, D, Linderoth, C & Hesketh, H (2002). Perceptual Causality in Children . Child Development, 73(6) 1656-1677. Schlottmann, A. (2001). Perception versus knowledge of cause-and-effect in children: When seeing is believing . Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10(4), 111-115. Schlottmann, A. (2001). Children's probability intuitions: Understanding the expected value of complex gambles. Child Development, 72(1), 103-122. Schlottmann, A. (2000). Children's judgements of gambles: A disordinal violation of additive utility . Journal of Behavioral Decsion Making, 13, 77-89. Schlottmann, A. (2000). Is perception of causality modular? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4(12), 441-442. Schlottmann, A & Surian, L (1999) Do 9-month-olds perceive causation-at-a-distance? Perception, 28(9), 1105-1113. Schlottmann, A (1999) Seeing it happen and knowing how it works: How children understand the relation between perceptual causality and underlying mechanism. Developmental Psychology, 35(5), 303-317. Schlottmann, A., & Anderson, N. H. (1995). Belief revision in children: Serial judgment in social cognition and decision-making domains. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 21(5), 1349-1364. Schlottmann, A., & Anderson, N. H. (1994) Children's judgments of expected value. Developmental Psychology, 30(1), 56-66. Schlottmann, A., & Anderson, N. H. (1993). An information integration approach to phenomenal causality. Memory and Cognition, 21(6), 785-801. Schlottmann, A., & Shanks, D. (1992). Evidence for a distinction between judged and perceived causality. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A. 4(2), 321-342. Anderson, N. H., Schlottmann, A. (1991). Developmental study of personal probability. Anderson, N. H. (Ed.). Contributions to Information Integration Theory: Developmental (pp.111-134). Lawrence Erlbaum