
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Affiliate/Study Abroad Psychology and Language Sciences

Information about the Psychology and Language Sciences Affiliate programme

This is a new Affiliate programme at UCL, for students with an interest in the scientific study of the human mind and communication, offering them the opportunity to study in a multidisciplinary research-led environment.

Affiliate Students take the same classes as UCL undergraduates on the Psychology & Language Sciences degree and can choose to attend for the Fall Term, Spring & Summer Terms or the Full Academic Year.

A full list of the modules available is on this page:
BSc/MSci Psychology & Language Sciences modules available to other students

Affiliate programmes in Psychology and in Linguistics are also available.

Structure of the Programme

Undergraduate affiliates attending UCL for a full year must take 120 credits worth of modules (usually a total of eight modules). Students attending UCL for one term of teaching - either Term 1 (Autumn term), or for both Terms 2 and 3 (Spring and Summer terms, respectively) – are expected to take modules totalling 60 credits (usually a total of four modules).

PALS undergraduate affiliate students must take at least half of their modules from the list of PALS modules offered, available on the BSc/MSci Psychology & Language Sciences modules available to other students page.

You can study a range of modules to match your own interests or take modules in one of our specialist areas:

Communication Disorders

  • Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition (Level 6 or 7; Term 1)
  • Rehabilitation of Acquired Neurogenic Communication Difficulties (Level 6 or 7; Term 2)
  • Conversation Analysis (Level 6 or 7; Term 1)

Sign Language and Deaf Studies

  • Deafness, Cognition and Language (Level 6 or 7, Term 1)
  • Deaf Culture and Identities (Level 6; Term 2)
  • * Linguistics of Sign Language (Level 6; Term 2)

* Note that this is not a PALS module, but we include it here as it is highly relevant and you will be able to take it

Speech Sciences

  • Introduction to Speech Science (Level 4; Term 2)
  • The Human Voice: Speech, Identity, Emotions (Level 5, 6 or 7; Term 1)
  • Development of Speech Perception and Production (Level 6 or 7; Term 1)
  • Brain Stimulation (Level 6 or 7; Term 2)
  • The Evolution of Vocal Communication (Level 6 or 7; Term 1)

In addition, you can choose optional modules with the UCL Division of Psychology & Language Sciences and from other UCL departments, though note that numbers for many modules across UCL may be limited.

PALS modules are taught by lecture, often supported by laboratory classes or small-group tutorials. A significant amount of independent study is also expected.

Prospective affiliate students should consult their home university to confirm that they can get credit for the modules taken at UCL, and may consult the affiliate tutor at UCL to ensure that modules are running and that the modules chosen are at the right level for the student's academic background.


Undergraduate Affiliate students taking PALS modules are assessed in the same way as degree programme students, wherever possible. You can find information on assessment methods via the list of modules. Alternative assessments may be arranged for modules assessed by an examination scheduled to take place after you return to your home university.

Exam percentages will be converted to a recommended US equivalent and both this and the UCL percentage mark will appear on the transcript.

Honour Code
Students will be trusted to conduct themselves honourably in examinations and in preparing coursework. Particular attention is drawn to the UCL guidelines on plagiarism.

    Further Information

    Please select the links below for further information

    Fees, Costs and Funding
    Information on fees, living costs and funding
    Applying for the Affiliate Psychology and Language Sciences Programme

    Information on the application process, including the application form, entrance requirements and application deadlines, is available for undergraduate and taught graduate students wishing to study for a term or year at UCL. For entry in September, for the Autumn Term only or a full year, the application deadline is 31 March. For entry in January, for the Spring and Summer Terms only, the application deadline is 30 September the previous year.

    How to apply


    Contact: For further information about the Affiliate programme, please email the Affiliate Tutor, Caroline Newton or the Programme Administrator, Maria Karaisalidou