The SHaPS Excellence Bursary is a new scholarship aimed at students who want to tackle challenges in speech and language.
Scholarship details
There will be two bursaries available for the academic year 2025-2026. One for a home fee paying student, and one for an overseas fee paying student.
The bursary for the home student will be worth £1000, and the bursary for the overseas student will be worth £2000. Recipients of the bursaries will be expected to start studying the MSc Language Sciences in the academic year 2025/26.
Scholarship inclusions and eligibility
Decisions will be made based on academic excellence and motivation to study language and speech. The final decision on the eligibility and allocation of the scholarship will be made by a panel of the Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences (SHaPS).
Application and selection
All students who have successfully applied to start the MSc Language Sciences in 2025/26 will be considered automatically. The selection will be made based on the motivation letter and previous academic marks. The winner needs to accept the offer to study with us. Funds will be transferred following enrolment to the programme.