
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Professional Studies 1

Module Aims

  • To develop transferable professional and clinical knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required to meet the HCPC Standards of Proficiency for speech and language therapists.
  • To integrate the knowledge, understanding and skills developed in the other modules of the programme within practice settings.
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of the speech and language therapy profession and service and its relationship with other services.
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of ethical guidelines, professional codes of practice and the law relating to clinical practice.

Module Contents

  • introduction to speech and language therapy
  • learning styles
  • professional learning and conduct
  • relevant professional policies and guidelines
  • the structure and function of education
  • health and social care services in the UK
  • behaviour change
  • observation and interpretation
  • interpersonal communication and presentation skills
  • communication facilitation strategies and behavior management
  • feedback and reflection
  • video recording skills
  • counselling skills
  • personal development plans
  • gathering information from others
  • assessment
  • forming and evaluating hypotheses
  • setting clinical aims and objectives
  • planning and evaluating therapy
  • writing case-notes and reports
  • social, linguistic, cultural and environmental factors in the management of children and young people
  • the principles of negotiation and collaboration
  • leading and working in groups
  • problem solving
  • working with parents and other professionals
  • prioritisation of caseloads


Team Assessment 30%
*Placement Assessment 35%
Viva examination 35% 

*The ongoing placement (weekly; Nov-Mar) is awarded a grade and percentage mark, which comprises 35% of the module mark.  The spring block placement (Apr-May) is marked on a pass/fail basis.  Students must pass the spring block placement in order to pass the module but there is no percentage mark allocated to it.